Released by Jens Kafitz, 2020 -   | Join us on  & or

RELEASE: April 29, 2020

BACKWARDS COMPATIBLITY: Extension Pack 5,Extension Pack 5R2


RECOMMENDED:  MARI 4.5v1 or higher


MARI NON-COMMERCIAL is not supported due to restrictions by the Foundry


= New Feature

= Feature Update

= Feature available in Nodegraph only  


  • Extension Pack 5 R3 for Mari 4.x is the second of many free updates (both bugfixes and new features) for customers of the Extension Pack 5 series. 

For a full overview of the features released in Extension Pack 5 see its dedicated release notes.


Click on a feature for more information

  • Images in the Image Manager can now be set to 'Auto Reload' if the Source File on Disc changes.

An Example of live streaming changes made to a material in Substance Designer (left) into Mari (right)

Auto Reloading can be turned on/off 

    • per selected image(s) via the checkbox in the Image properties
    • the new right mouse click menu 'Auto Reload'. 

Once activated, if there already is a change on disc, the selected files will automatically reload instantly.

All Auto-Reloading will be disabled on Project close to avoid reopening projects to a possibly changed look

This Tools allows you to quickly create Channels for Node Outputs and Shader Inputs, with your personal preference and presets for naming,

resolution etc. Optionally presets can also be standardized across a team via an Environment Variable.

An Example of creating the necessary channels for a material with one click

The items will be added to your standard Mari Shelf* in the Tab 'MEP_Grunges' :

* Automatic Shelf Installation requires Mari 4.5 or higher

Material Presets give you a quick starting point for authoring new materials, with pre-exposed parameters.

The Material Presets are also available as Templates from within the Mari Material Ingest Tool, allowing you to batch create materials

from existing files on disc (for example Megascans downloads etc.)

* Material Workflows require Mari 4.5 or higher

  • New example procedurals have been added to the Preset Browser / Procedurals Tab. These examples utilize features

of Extension Pack 5 R3 such as Warping, Resampling, Blurring etc. .

To locate the new examples simply use the search bar with '5R3'.

  • A new standard Hotbox 'Nodegraph Tools' has been added. It is mapped to F8 by default unless that Hotkey is already in use

  • Backdrop Colors of newly created ones are now randomized if a new backdrop is created via a Mari Action 

(e.g. Hotkey, Hotbox or via the Nodes Creation Submenu)


Click on a feature for more information

  • Extension Pack Nodes utilizing Images in their Attributes now allow you to blur the input image if you are using Mari 4.6v2 or higher

* Blurring support requires Mari 4.6v2 or higher

  • Manifold Nodes have been the core nodes in the Nodegraph to control tiling, size and transformations for procedurals and tiling textures alike.

With Extension Pack 5 R3 the list of manifolds grows, allowing you more complex operations on your 3d or or uv based nodes.

Of course you can chain them up with other manifolds for even more complex effects !

Transform your 2d Images/Patterns into a circular shape using this UV based Manifold

Warp your 2d Images/Patterns or your 3d procedurals into shape using an input grayscale map. 

Both 2D and 3D Warping are supported

Warp your 2d Images/Patterns or your 3d procedurals into shape using an input vector/normal map


Warp your 2d Images/Patterns or your 3d procedurals into shape using inputs to achieve directional effects.

Nodes with Image Inputs now have a new 'Image Type' Dropdown exposed allowing you to specify if a normal map is used.

If an image is specified as a Normal Map, rotating and projecting images recalculates normal vectors for correct lighting results.

Below you can see an example of this. The Material was rotated 90 degrees from its original output.

    • Extension Pack nodes correctly recalculate the normal map vectors for rotation changes resulting in consistent lighting in viewport & render.
    • MARI's default nodes on the right will not compensate for the normal map orientation, resulting in dramatically wrong lighting in viewport & render

  • A variety of new Normal Map Nodes have been added

       A node version of the built in Normal Map Orientation Support from Extension Pack Nodes. 

       Allows you to rotate and mirror the normal map orientation

       Generates a Mask of the front facing angles from a normal map

       Generates a Mask of a custom direction from a Normal Map

       2 new Normal Map Format utility Nodes have been added. 

Normal Format Utility Nodes help with building custom material with exposed attributes,

allowing the user to select the type of Normal Map he wishes to use (OpenGL, DirectX)

Example of using the 'Set Nodes to Shader' Function (here accessed via the F8 Nodegraph Hotbox) to isolate materials, 

before using 'Reset Shader' to revert back to the original

  • The Mari 'Tiled' Node is the mari standard tool to apply images to UVs. With Extension Pack 5 R3 a new Node 'Tiled (Extended)' is added.

The 'Tiled (Extended)' Node is a combination of the Extension Pack 'Image' Node and the Extension pack 'Manifold UV' Node, giving additional

controls such as  ..

    • Advanced Transformations
    • Normal Map Support
    • Tile Modes (no tiling/stencil etc.)

.. in a single node, making these features available to Layerstack Users as well.

  • A new math node 'gl_timesMinusOne' was added, performing a simple multiplication of the input value by (-1)


Click on a feature for more information

consistent lighting for example with point lights casting shadows.

  • The 'Add Default Object' Dialog in the Object Palette now shows preview icons of the Objects. UV Cuts are highlighted.

  • The UDIM Count of Default Objects is now displayed in the Tooltip

  • New Objects have been added to the 'Default Object' List:

    • A new Shader Ball
    • Sphere (2 Tiles)
    • Torus
    • Cylinder Rounded

       New Training Objects have been added:

  • Previously existing Default Objects have been optimized for uniform texel density

  • 'Shelf from Folder' now has an additional 'Include' Filter in addition to the pre-existing 'Exclude' Filter. 

This allows you additional, yet optional control what is loaded

  • 'Shelf from Folder'  now allows you to specify a custom Shelf Name if 'Merge into single Shelf' is turned on

  • When launching the  Smart Mask Setup Tool manually via the Nodegraph Right Mouse Click Option (independent from the Preset Browser) ...

... the Setup Tool now no longer requires a valid Smart Mask Node Selection to open.

    • If a Node selection is found that can be automatically setup, the Tool will launch in 'Node Setup' Mode
    • If no Node Selection is found or the Node Selection is not recognized as Smart Masks the Tool will launch in 'Pre-Bake Maps' Mode.

  • Additional Logic has been added to the 'Select Last Shader' Action, to better deal with switches between a Nodegraph Viewer and

Shaders in the Shader Palette.

  • When a selected Node has no connections and uses Images inside its Node Properties (e.g. Tiled Nodes, Triplanars etc.),

 'Smart Rename Nodes' will let the node inherit the name of the used image file

  • Finer methods for nodegraph node chain selection have been added:

  • When closing a Mari Project, non-default Image Manager Tabs are now removed (since they become empty anyway, when closing the project)

  • Images can now be tagged as Reference Images. Reference Images are never removed by  'Remove Unused Images'


Click on a feature for more information

  • All Nodes of the Pattern Engine (e.g. Pattern Generator, Splatter etc.) now have consistent Output Ports such as Out Mask, Out UV, Out ID etc.

  • Pattern Engine Nodes now have a new 'Pattern Manifold' port, allowing you to use the internal data of the Pattern Engine Nodes to drive other nodes.

For the Triplanar Versions of these nodes, Manifold Scale can also be controlled via the new 'Manifold Worldscale' Settings in the Node's Transform Section.

A simple Example of an image being driven by the Pattern Engine Node's 'Pattern Manifold ' Port

  • Alpha Treatment (premultiplied on/off)  of Utility Output Ports can now be customized via settings found in the new 'Output Alphas' Settings Group

  • Pattern Engine Nodes are now clearly color coded in pink

  • The Image Node now has a Mask Port to directly feed in an alpha

  • The Image Node now has a Base Color Values (Background Value, Background Color, Background Opacity) that get used if no Image is loaded.

  • The Image Node now defaults to a very light weight computation if no image is loaded.

  • The Image Node now has a new 'Stencil - No Tiling (repeat across udims)' mode. This will apply the image once (non-tiling) to each UDIM

An Example of a single instance of an image placed - non tiling within UDIMs - into each UDIM

be used to drive Triplanar nodes directly from Manifolds

Example of using new Manifold UV Outputs do drive settings on a Triplanar Node

  • The Axis Projection now now has a new 'Projection Mask' Port input, to allow you to directly feed in a mask

  • The Axis Projection now has a Base Color Values (Background Value, Background Color, Background Opacity) that get used if no Image is loaded.

  • The Axis Projection now defaults to a very light weight computation if no image is loaded.

  • The Cylindrical Projection now has a Base Color Values (Background Value, Background Color, Background Opacity) that get used if no Image is loaded.

  • Float & Float-3 Nodes now have an additional Range Slider 0-360 for better workflows with attributes set in degrees.

  • The  gl_CartesianToPolar Node has a new Attribute 'Interpolate Quadrants', allowing you to modify the method used to calculate the 4 quadrants

of the resulting circle

  • The following nodes now have a Manifold 3D Input port exposed in the nodegraph (for example for Warping effects):

  • The following nodes have been reanmed

  • All Triplanar nodes now have consistent Node Port Names and Port ordering in sync with Manifold Nodes

Example of a few triplanar nodes with new conistent port names and port ordering


Click on a feature for more information

  • MARI could crash when opening a project on Mac OS 10.13.6 High Sierra

  • A Debug Mode was left on by mistake, resulting in a Debug line ('no module found') being printed into the Python Console on Mari Startup.

  • The automatic Merge Node Colorspace preference didn't always change the Merge Node 'Colorspace Enabled' Dropdown inside the nodes

Node Properties when the new merge node was created inside of a Material.

  • Fixed a bug in the Preset Browser Search Field where 'Tags' would not be found when searched for, if the tag contained upper case letters

  • A fairly significant number of presets in the 'Procedural' Tab of the Preset Browser produced a shader compile error due to calling a since renamed Shader Function

  • The Hotbox Manager Preset System to save and reload custom Hotbox Styles was not working

  • Switching between Hotboxes in the Hotbox Manager did not reset the preset dropdown selection

  • Function Keys (F1-F12) could not be directly assigned as Hotkeys in the Hotbox Manager

  • Some default Hotboxes did not have the 'Close on Button Click' option turned on, which could lead to 'double execution' of buttons functions.

  • The configuration json files of Hotboxes were not formatted in an easy, human-readable way

  • 'Add Default Object' produced and error when an object was added as an Object Version and the same Default Object Name already existed.

versions of the same node type), if the node types contained multiple output ports, the resulting swap did not maintain connections on outputs other

than the first one.

  • Selecting upstream Nodes via the 'Select Upstream Nodes' Tools inside of Materials and Graph Groups did not work. 


  • There has been a change in licensing procedure. For more information refer to the Installation / Licensing Section of this Online Help


  • There has been a change in licensing procedure. For more information refer to the Installation / Licensing Section of this Online Help

  • The Contents of Resource Folder have been updated. 

If you have previously moved the resource folder to a location outside of the installation directory, you should replace it with the new one 

using the method described here

  • The ResourceLocator.json file to move resources to a different location and specify custom settings directories now supports Environment Variables and

User Directory Expansion. Refer to the appropriate topics below for more information: