MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 15
October 16th, 2018
- The Rename Node Tool was no longer working after a gloabl Extension Pack change in the last Update how the active Nodegraph is detected
- Some Legacy Node Versions were visible in the UI Submenus
- Importing old node networks into the Nodegraph from file would sometimes spam the python console with errors,
due to missing metadata on old versions of Radio Transmitters.
- When launching the Text Tool, the initial rendered text on startup was sometimes in a different font than the text in the text editor
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 14
September 24th, 2018
- Mari would sometimes crash after a period of inactivity after having used Extension Pack Nodegraph Tools
since the Mari Main Window would get 'garbage collected'
- A bug in Mari 3.4 was causing the default Painting Blendmode to become 'Painting Flow Vectors'.
Extension Pack now forces the default to be 'Normal'
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 13
August 26th, 2018
- Slow Rotation: SHIFT + Arrow Left/Right
- Medium Rotation: Arrow Left/Right
- Fast Rotation: ALT + Arrow Left/Right
Rotation Increments can be adjusted via the Preferences / Misc Section and hotkeys can be configured
- A new node "AB Wipe" has been added in the Nodegraph / Layer Submenu.
The node allows you to compare two Inputs with a screen wipe
- When a new Extension Pack Version is installed a Splash Screen now shows the latest release notes.
The Splash Screen can also be launched via the Help Menu
- Image & Image Array Nodes now can be set to only tile in U or V, either in a specific UDIM or an entire UDIM Row/Column.
This change only applies to newly created instances of the node(s).
This change only applies to newly created instances of the node(s).
Object Centre, Upper Bounding Box of Object or Lower Bounding Box of Object
This change only applies to newly created instances of the node(s).
- It was no longer possible to use Layered Shaders in MARI when Extension Pack was installed, since the 'Layered Shader'
Tab was not visible anymore.
to abort during export
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 12
July 14th, 2018
A new option Use Previous ID when available will allow you to bake out the selection groups again with the same ID Color.
This can be useful to speed up rebaking of ID Maps when the Model has changed
New options Set ID Color Override and Clear ID Color Overrides as well as a Use Color Overrides Checkbox have been added
to the Dialog, allowing you to customize your ID Colors
- A new Set Custom ID Color Option has been added to the Right Mouse Click Menu for Selection Groups.
This allows you to set and clear ID Color Overrides without having to go into the 'Material ID from Selection Groups'
readable Color ID Maps.
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 11
June 27th, 2018
- New options have been added to the 'Mirroring' Toolbar.
Utilizinging two successive bakes, you can now project your paint across a symmetry plane onto the other side of the model.
Please refer to the Help Section on 'Mirroring' for more information and possible issues you may encounter
- The Supershape2D Node is now only available as a legacy node, meaning you cannot create the node anymore. Old projects utilizing
the node will still work.
The Node will be retired permanently in Mari Extension Pack 4R2.
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 10
May 7th, 2018
- Due to Mari internal changes Extension Pack did not work with Mari 3.4, giving a Shader Error when opening any project
- The Project Tab has been extended to include information about previous archiving of projects.
Projects that have been archived and have not been changed since, will now display a green icon after archiving
(icon may only be visible after mari restart)
- The Project Tooltip has been extended with additional information about archiving
- Archived (true/false) - If the project has ever been archived (even if the archive is out of date)
this will display true
- Archive Date - The Date of the last archiving
- UpToDate (true/false) - If the project on disc is the same as the archive this will display true and a green icon will
be visible in the thumbnail
- You can now open the projects cache folder via Scripts/Project/Open Project Directory
- Mari Extension Pack 4R1 (Mari 3.x) and Mari Extension Pack 4R2 (Mari 4.x) can now both be installed in the script directory at the same time and each version will load correctly
- a new class mari.ExtensionPack.archive() has been added to the Python API containing methods to handle archiving information metadata on projects
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 9
April 3rd, 2018
Convert Project Dialog
WIth Update 9 installed, opening an old project may display a 'Convert Project' Message since
some Nodes had minor Code modifications and need to be updated to the latest version.
This is expected, safe and it is recommended to press 'Convert' so the nodes in your project can
be updated to the latest version.
- Histogram Scan Node was clamping to 0-1 values regardless if 'Clamp Output' Option was on or off.
This change will only affect newly created instances of the node. Old nodes in your project will not be updated.
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 8
February 8th, 2018
Convert Project Dialog
WIth Update 8 installed, opening an old project may display a 'Convert Project' Message since
some Nodes had minor Code modifications and need to be updated to the latest version.
This is expected, safe and it is recommended to press 'Convert' so the nodes in your project can
be updated to the latest version.
- Mari Extension Pack was still causing issues with MacOS Sierra (Red Shader Error Screen in Viewport)
- Export Custom Channel Selection would abort the Export when Nodes with Locator Attributes (Manifold UV, Manifold Locator, Cylindrical Projection, Radial Gradient etc.) were present in the exported channel
- Changing the nodegraph viewer number (1,2,3 etc.) was interpreted as a change to the node network and would trigger a baking process on export even when 'Only modified udims' was turned on in Export Custom Channel Selection and nothing had changed
- Export Custom Channel Selection did not list all available channels when choosing 'List all Objects' while a Locator or Group was selected in the object palette
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 7
January 25th, 2018
Convert Project Dialog
WIth Update 7 installed, opening an old project may display a 'Convert Project' Message since
some Nodes had minor Code modifications and need to be updated to the latest version.
This is expected, safe and it is recommended to press 'Convert' so the nodes in your project can
be updated to the latest version.
- All Nodes now have a Node Description added under the 'Node' Tab in the Node Properties
- Update 6 caused Mari Extension Pack to stop working on MacOS Sierra and certain ATI Graphics Drivers
- The Grade+ Node was clamping negative values when the Gamma was set to 1.0
- A bug was fixed that could cause the Export Custom Channel Selection tool to hang in some projects during evaluation of channel changes for 'Only Modified UDIM' Option
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 6
December 13th, 2017
Convert Project Dialog
WIth Update 6 installed, opening an old project may display a 'Convert Project' Message since
some Nodes had minor non-look changing Code modifications and need to be updated to the latest version.
This is expected, safe and it is recommended to press 'Convert' so the nodes in your project can
be updated to the latest version.
- A new Adjustment Layer 'Exposure ' was added, allowing you to adjust the exposure of your textures
- A new Adjustment Layer 'al Remap Color' was added, mimicking exact results and order of operations of alRemapColor
(Anders Langlands Arnold alShaders)
- A new Adjustment Layer 'al Remap Float ' was added, mimicking exact results and order of operations of alRemapFloat
(Anders Langlands Arnold alShaders)
or not. This means you can now turn Only Modified UDIMs on at any time and it will take the last export into consideration.
- 'Duplicate Channel' now fully supports Channels that have been partially or fully authored in the Nodegraph,
maintaining shared connections, radio node connections etc. on duplication
- 'Multi FBM' Procedural has been optimized for improved performance.
Please note that old instances of this node in existing projects will not be updated to avoid look changes.
- On Mari Startup, Mari Extension Pack will now automatically transfer hotkeys from default Mari Actions to their Extension Pack counterparts
(e.g. 'Convert to Paintable', 'Lock Channel' etc.) unless a hotkey is already assigned. This is to avoid users by mistake trying to assign
a hotkey to a menu action that has since been replaced with a Extension Pack version of the tool.
- Some Nodegraph actions such as copy/paste, duplicate and duplicate with connections are running slower in big graphs as a result of the
introduction of the Radio Node 'Automatic Transmitter Reconnect' feature in Update 5.
The feature has been modified so that if you tick off 'Allow Automatic Reconnect on Import' in the Preferences / Nodegraph Tab, the old speed is restored.
- In some cases User defined Shortcuts for Extension Pack Actions disappeared after each Mari Restart.
- 'Multi FBM' Procedural would crash Mari if used in the Bump Slot of a shader. Please note, this fix only applies to newly created multiFBM nodes.
- A deprecated version of 'Grey Constant' Node was still accessible via the nodegraph node-creation menus
- With some system configs Mari Extension Pack Version Control would not register correctly on Mari startup, preventing Extension Pack from loading.
- 'Duplicate Channel' when used on a Channel authored in the Nodegraph (in a 'non layer stack' compatible way) did not properly detect
shared connections or shared channels, creating duplicates of the shared connections instead.
- 'Duplicate & Flatten Channel' did not properly clean up duplicated nodes after flattening when the duplicated channel was partially or fully authored in the Nodegraph
- Due to a bug introduced in the Mari 3.3 Undo System, 'Export Custom Channel Selection' would sometimes crash Mari when an export was launched with a custom export BitDepth (for example with the Dynamic Mode) or custom Export Resolution
- Launching the Post Process Dialog in 'Export Custom Channel Selection' would often crash Mari, if the last time the dialog was opened in the current session it was canceled/closed instead of confirmed.
API PYTHON (mari.ExtensionPack.utils)
- A new method getAllNodesConnectedToNode(targetNode,nodeGraph,GroupContentMode,returnBakePointUpstream=True,includeTargetNode=True)
was added, returning a list of nodes connected to a targetNode
- A new method getSelectedNodesOnCurrentGeoRootGraph(ReturnOnlyFirstNode=False) was added, returning a list of selected nodes in the main nodegraph,
or a single selected node if the ReturnOnlyFirstNode argument is true
- a new method channelsNodeBelongsTo(node_to_find,geo,excludeDownStreamChannelLayerUse=True) was added, that lists all channels a node belongs to
- float epLuminance(vec3 color);
- float epContrast(float input,float contrast,float pivot);
- vec3 epContrast(vec3 input, float contrast, float pivot);
- float epBias(float f, float b);
- float epBiasandGain(float f, float b, float g);
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 5
October, 28th 2017
Convert Project Dialog
WIth Update 5 installed, opening an old project may display a 'Convert Project' Message since
some Nodes had their Code mofified and need to be updated to the latest version.
This is expected, safe and it is recommended to press 'Convert' so the nodes in your project can
be updated to the latest version.
Nodegraph Right mouse click Misc / Menu
Using the Jump To Actions to traverse a Node Chain
- a new 'Bookmarks' dialog is now available from the Nodegraph Right mouse click / Bookmark Menu that
allows you to jump directly to a specific bookmark
A new 'Radio Transmitter' Node has been added together with a new 'Connect to Transmitter' Option in the Nodegraph/Misc Menu.
When one or multiple Radio Node are selected, Transmitters exist in your graph and the 'Connect to Transmitter' Option is launched
you can select a Transmitter to connect to from any point in your graph.
A new preference was added under Edit/Preferences/Nodegraph/ to set if the connection should be automatically hidden.
Connecting a selected Radio Node to a previously created Radio Transmitter Node via the Right Mouse Click / Misc / Connect to Transmitter Dialog
When importing Node networks that contain one or multiple radio nodes without any connection, Mari will now try to reconnect the Radio Node
to a Transmitter, if a Transmitter with the correct Name exists in your project.
This allows you to create and export node networks that utilizing project specific data such as Occlusion, Curvature etc. and when
importing into any project where Occlusion, Curvature etc. exist the network will auto-attach itself again in the correct positions
This behavior can be turned off via a preference under Edit/Preferences/Nodegraph/.
Automatic Reconnecting of Radio Nodes to Transmitters based on Name
'Reset Shader' works together with the 'Set Nodes to Shader' Option and will revert the currently selected
Shader back to the state it was before 'Set Nodes to Shader' was executed for the very first time.
'Set Nodes to Shader' itself, when executed without a selection will now toggle the current shader infinitely between the current Node assignment
and the last used one
- A new node 'Histogram Select' was added. Similar to its counterpart in substance designer it let's you select a value range from a greyscale input
- Radio Nodes , when their connection is toggled invisible, will now only inherit the parts of the connected Node Name that are outside of [ ].
This was necessary to prevent overly long Radio Node Names when the connected Node was renamed with 'Smart Rename'
- A new 'Per UDIM Pivot' Option was added to the Manifold UV Node (on by default for backwards compatibility).
By turning 'Per UDIM Pivot' off UV transformations will behave more similar to Maris default TILED Node and work better
with UV Shells spanning across multiple UDIMs without cuts.
UV Transformations applied to multiple UDIMs with perUDIM Pivot On (left) and off (right)
- New 'Transform Pivot' Options were added to the Manifold UV Node. By default the pivot will sit at 0.5/0.5 of each UDIM (as before).
By modifying the pivot u and v setting you can shift the transform pivot to an arbitrary position.
This is similar to Photoshop Transform Pivots when doing Layer Transformations.
- New 'Per UDIM Pivot' Checkboxes were added to all Noises, Texture Scatter UV Nodes as well as Checker 2D (on by default for backwards compatibility)
Please note that this setting is only relevant for 3D Noises when the Noise is switched to 'UV Space'.
UV Transformations applied to multiple UDIMs with perUDIM Pivot On (left) and off (right).
- The Default Values of the multiFBM Procedural have been changed to give a more interesting result when the node is first created
- Bookmark Nodes Color Coding has been changed since they looked to much like an out of date bake point
- Axis Projection Image Group is expanded by default now to save an extra click during set up
- The Shader Preset System would throw a Python Error when an Alembic Hierarchy was added to the Project without merging the Hierarchy to a single object,
causing the undo system to stop working
- The Shader Preset System would throw a Python Error when a Locator was added to the Mari Project, causing the undo system to stop working
- 'Smart Rename' internal Node Metadata was visible within Node Properties, cluttering up their Attribute List
It will now ignore any part of the input node name that is encompassed within square brackets ( [ ] )
- The Alpha was unaffected even when the Alpha Channel was ticked on in the Channels Group of the Set Range Node
- Various adjustment layer nodes were incorrectly setting the alpha of layers with transparency to white, meaning the transparency
would be removed. The following nodes now respect transparency when applied to layers or channels with transparency:
- New Versioning API has been added to determine the currently installed Extension Pack Version via the class mari.ExtensionPack.version()
Available methods are:
- versionAsJson() - returns the path to a JSON File containing all Version Information
- version() - returns the combined version number from major, minor,patch and build number
- versionPrettyName() - returns the written Name of Extension Pack Version ('4R1 Update 5')
- majorVersion() - returns the major version number (4)
- minorVersion() - returns the minor version number
- patchVersion() - returns the update or patch version number
- buildVersion() - returns the internal build number (usually 0 after release)
- a new perUdimPivot boolean (true/false) argument was added to the openGl relUVTransform() function
API PYTHON (mari.ExtensionPack.utils)
- a new method mariMainWindowObject() was added. This returns the Mari Main Window Widget
- a new method setNodegraphContext() was added. This sets the Mari Context to the Nodegraph
- findConnectedNodeOutput(self,graph,node_to_find,skipDots) now has an optional skipDotNodes boolean
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 4
August 28th 2017
'Save Shader Preset' will store the settings and channel assignments of your currently active Shader Type (Unreal, Vray etc.).
The next time you create such a shader type again all settings (colors,sliders,checkboxes etc.) will be restored to the way you saved it.
If channels were assigned to inputs and the channel names exist on your object even the channels will be automatically assigned.
'Remove Shader Preset' will remove any stored presets for the currently active shadertype
'Smart Rename' will rename selected Nodes based on their Input Nodes, or based on their Output Nodes if a node does not have an Input Node.
- Multi Rename Nodes has a new option to automatically remove all trailing digits and spaces (introduced by incremental node numbering)
'Set Nodes to Shader' will connect currently selected nodes to the currently active shader acting like an 'isolate Material'. It works with previously
saved Shader Presets ,trying to determine from your node naming to which shader input slot a selected node should be connected to.
When no nodes are selected and the option is executed, the shader will be returned to its previously set inputs.
- A new Node 'Checker 2D (simple)' was added to the procedural patterns ... so Mari finally has a standard checkerboard pattern.
- 'Grey Constant' Node now returns linear 0.5 and has a slider for the grey value. Previously it was returning linear 0.498 since it was written
pre-Mari OCIO integration. Old Projects that use the previous node will not inherit the 0.5 value however the value slider is exposed there as well.
- a new opengl function checker(vec2 uv, float repeat) was added
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 3
July 30th 2017
- The 'UDIM Value' Node now has new 'Seed' (Random Value) Options
- Previously Extension Pack Quick Unproject Tools from the Camera Menu would write their result to the User folder.
Now Quick Unproject Tools will write to the path specified under the 'Quick Unproject' Setting in the File / Project Paths Dialog.
was set to in the Channel Palette
- Nodegraph / Multi Rename Nodes was only processing one node of several selected ones when using 'Remove trailing characters'
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 2
June 10th 2017
- A new Nodegraph Selection Method was added to the Nodegraph right mouse click Selection Submenu.
‘Select Upstream w/o Radio Nodes’ will terminate the selection process after the first Radio node found in the Node Stream.
This allows you to more easily move node chains without affecting nodes further away that have a hidden Radio Node Connection
- Two new menu items are now available in the Channel Menu to deal with channels in the Nodegraph.
‘Focus Channel’ will focus and select the Channel Node in the Nodegraph, while ‘Focus Channel Content’ will focus and
select the Channel Node and all Nodes belonging to the Channel.
- A bookmark system was added to the Nodegraph. You can insert a ‘Bookmark’ Node (Nodes / Misc / Bookmark) anywhere in your
graph and then use the Right Mouse Click menu Bookmark options to jump the view to the bookmark location
- some of the less used Channel Lock/Unlock Actions in the Channel Menu were moved to a submenu ‘Locking’ to conserve menu space
- Image Manager/Reload Image would reshuffle images in Nodes containing multiple Images (Image Arrays, Axis Projection Array, Texture Scatter X4)
- Default Objects (‘Object Palette / Add Default Object’) imported into Mari scaled very large
- Default Object ‘Tiling Plane 2x2’ and ‘Tiling Plane 3x3’ imported into Mari facing downwards
- Default Object ‘Sphere’ imported into Mari without Normal Smoothing turned on
MARI Extension Pack 4 - Update 1
May 20th 2017
- A new Utility Adjustment ‘Fix NAN’ was added, allowing you to automatically fix bad pixels in your textures.
Due to the nature of NANs this Node needs to be used in the Nodegraph and cannot be applied in the Layerstack.
When turned on your object will be displayed black to make it easier to spot NANs (infinite Values) introduced through corrupted image data.
- Extension Pack was spamming the log file looking for a non-existing file ‘Texture Manager’ in Mari 3.2
resulting in significantly increased Shader Compile Times (‘Spinning Wheel’)
- Some Extension Pack Nodes were incorrectly triggering a ‘Convert Project’ Dialog, when a Project was loaded.
While not all Convert Dialogs are Extension Pack related, it is recommended you always press ‘Convert’.
- Some Extension Pack Nodes with Input Ports called ‘Size’ would change the Input Port Name to a Number after the Project was reopened.
May 10th, 2017
- Initial Release of Mari Extension Pack 4R1
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