UDIM Value

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UDIM Value by Jens Kafitz

The UDIM Value Node gives you unique values per UDIM.

How each Value is displayed depends on the chosen settings in the Node.

This has a variety of applications.

You could for example use the random UDIM Value to drive per UDIM Offsets, rotation etc. of TILED or Projection

Nodes using Manifolds, jitter Colors using Jitter Color etc.


Node Overview

Node Properties

Output Type

Determines how each Udim Value is represented. Available Modes are:

Each UDIM Patch gets a random value between 0 and 1 assigned.

Each UDIM Patch gets a random color assigned

The UDIM Number is assigned as color intensity value.

While the Object appears completely white ...

... each UDIM has a different Color Intensity Value

corresponding to its UDIM Number.


When using Output Types Random Udim Value and Random Udim Color, this will cycle the colors

When using Output Types Random Udim Value and Random Udim Color, this give you explicit control over each random value that make up

the final output. Other than the Seed Option this will not cycle colors/values relative to each other but allows you to make big value changes.

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