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alRemapFloat by Anders Langlands, Jens Kafitz

The alRemapFloat Node is a powerful Value Remapping Node, giving same results as alRemapFloat Node for Arnold (part of alShaders by Anders Langlands).

Node Overview

Node Ports

Supplies the map you want to adjust

The value that is defined as Minimum Value on the Input. For example on a gradient black to white, when increasing the OldMin

any incoming Value below OldMin will become black. If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

The value that is defined as Maximum Value on the Input Color. For example on a gradient black to white, when decreasing OldMax

any incoming Value above OldMax will become white.If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

A value to adjust the Contrast.

If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

The Pivot Point for Contrasting. Larger values than the pivot wil get 'crunched' towards white, lower values towards black

If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

Bias the Input higher or lower. Values less than 0.5 push the average lower, values higher than 0.5 push it higher.

If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

Adds gain to the Input, in effect a different form of contrast. Values less than 0.5 increase the gain, values greater than 0.5 decrease it.

If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

The value that is defined as Minimum Value on the resulting Output. For example on a gradient black to white, when increasing NewMin

the previously black areas will be the value set in NewMin.

If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

The value that is defined as Maximum Value on the resulting Output. For example on a gradient black to white, when decreasing NewMax

the previously white areas will be the value set in NewMax.

If this port is mapped the corresponding value in the Node Properties will no longer be evaluated

Node Properties


The value that is defined as Minimum Value on the Input. For example on a gradient black to white, when increasing the OldMin

any incoming Value below OldMin will become black.

The value that is defined as Maximum Value on the Input Color. For example on a gradient black to white, when decreasing OldMax

any incoming Value above OldMax will become white


A value to adjust the Contrast.

The Pivot Point for Contrasting. Larger values than the pivot wil get 'crunched' towards white, lower values towards black


Bias the Input higher or lower. Values less than 0.5 push the average lower, values higher than 0.5 push it higher.

Adds gain to the Input, in effect a different form of contrast. Values less than 0.5 increase the gain, values greater than 0.5 decrease it.


The value that is defined as Minimum Value on the resulting Output. For example on a gradient black to white, when increasing NewMin

the previously black areas will be the value set in NewMin.

The value that is defined as Maximum Value on the resulting Output. For example on a gradient black to white, when decreasing NewMax

the previously white areas will be the value set in NewMax.


When checked, the Output of the Node will be clamped to Min and Max

When enabled, it will expand the clamped range back to 0-1 after clamping.

The Minimum Clamp Value

The Maximum Clamp Value

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