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Grade+ by Jens Kafitz

The Grade+ Node is based on Mari's default Grade Node with a few attempts to get it more in line with Nuke's Grade Node.

Node Overview

Node Properties


Color Fields & 'S' Button

Due to Interface restrictions the color fields under the sliders do not override the sliders themselves (different from Nuke)

Instead the Sliders are multiplied with the values from the Color field

Slider * Colorfield

On 'Blackpoint', 'Lift' and 'Offset' this multiplication would result to a value of 0.0 by default

so if those sliders are set to 0.0 only the Color Field is evaluated.

Clicking on the 'S' button next to the slider will change the Interface to allow you a numerical input

for Red,Green, Blue & Alpha Channel separately

Adjust the Blackpoint to allow you to change the darkest point in the paint

The Color Selection under the Blackpoint Slider allows you to set a color or value via a color picker.

This allows you to affect each Color channel separately similar to when pressing 'S' next to a slider.

Values of the Color Field are multiplied against the Blackpoint Slider unless that slider is set to 0.0.

A slider value of 0.0 and a color value of 1.0 only uses the Color Field's Value

The Whitepoint allows you to increase the brightest point in the paint.

The Color Selection under the Whitepoint Slider allows you to set a color or value via a color picker.

This allows you to affect each Color channel separately similar to when pressing 'S' next to a slider.

Values of the Color Field are multiplied against the Whitepoint Slider unless that slider is set to 0.0.

Adds the specified Value to your paint

The Color Selection under the Lift Slider allows you to set a color or value via a color picker.

This allows you to affect each Color channel separately similar to when pressing 'S' next to a slider.

Values of the Color Field are multiplied against the Lift Slider unless that slider is set to 0.0.

A slider value of 0.0 and a color value of 1.0 only uses the Color Field's Value

Gain is a multiplier on your Multiply and a division on your Blackpoint and Whitepoint.

The Color Selection under the Gain Slider allows you to set a color or value via a color picker.

This allows you to affect each Color channel separately similar to when pressing 'S' next to a slider.

Values of the Color Field are multiplied against the Gain Slider unless that slider is set to 0.0.

Multiplies the selected value against your paint

The Color Selection under the Multiply Slider allows you to set a color or value via a color picker.

This allows you to affect each Color channel separately similar to when pressing 'S' next to a slider.

Values of the Color Field are multiplied against the Multiply Slider unless that slider is set to 0.0.

Offset changes the Black & Whitepoint as one

The Color Selection under the Offset Slider allows you to set a color or value via a color picker.

This allows you to affect each Color channel separately similar to when pressing 'S' next to a slider.

Values of the Color Field are multiplied against the Offset Slider unless that slider is set to 0.0.

A slider value of 0.0 and a color value of 1.0 only uses the Color Field's Value

Standard Gamma Control Setting

The Color Selection under the Gamma Slider allows you to set a color or value via a color picker.

This allows you to affect each Color channel separately similar to when pressing 'S' next to a slider.

Values of the Color Field are multiplied against the Gamma Slider unless that slider is set to 0.0.


Only the selected channels will receive grade changes allowing you to selectively grade just one or two color channels.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Free EPub producer