Pattern Generator X4 2D |
- Where to find it:
- Add Procedural Layer / Procedural / Extension Pack / Generators
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Procedurals / Extension Pack / Generators
This Node is also available as a Triplanar Version |
The heart of the Pattern Engine, the Pattern Generators allow you to create infinite pattern variations with up to 4 Input textures
It is recommended to cache this node or attach a bake point after you are done tweaking it to keep its performance impact low |
Pattern Engine Overview
This Node is part of a collection of Nodes making up the Pattern Engine:
- Output
The Default Output
- Pattern UVs
Outputs the UV coordinates of the cells
Additional Information such as pattern rotation is encoded in the Blue and Alpha channel that might make this output appear transparent. The UV information is unaffected. |
- Pattern Center
Outputs the center UV coordinate for each cell as a uniform value across the entire cell
- Pattern Manifold
Outputs Manifold Data from the node that can be used to drive other nodes.
A simple example of a Pattern Generator Node driving another node via the Manifold Output
- Pattern Index
Outputs a R,G,B packed Index
- R - Row Index
Multiplies the normalized Row Number (0.0 - 1.0) against the result.
Each row will have a different value this way
- G - Column Index
Multiplies the normalized Column Number (0.0 - 1.0) against the result
Each column will have a different value this way
- B - Pattern Index
Multiplies the normalized Cell Number (0.0 - 1.0) against the result
Each cell will have a different value this way
- Pattern Scale
Change the Value of each Cell based on the Cell scale.
Evaluated are Random Size X/Y, Random Scale,Random Scale Map, Normal Map
Example of Scale Output
- Pattern Mask
Outputs the pure pattern result as a mask without the Background Color applied
- Pattern Random
Outputs the random signal used inside the node to randomize elements
- Manifold UV
Allows you to overwrite the UV Settings of the Node with a manifold node
- Pattern Specific 1
An option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern. Overwrites Pattern Specific 1 Slider if mapped,.
- Pattern Specific 2
An option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern. Overwrites Pattern Specific 2 Slider if mapped,.
- Edge Falloff
Allows you to overwrite the Edge Falloff Attribute in the Pattern Group
- Edge Softness
Allows you to overwrite the Edge Softness Attribute with a Node Connection
- Edge Roundness
Allows you to overwrite the Edge Roundness Attribute with a Node Connection
Any value fed in through the Edge Ports on the Node is still multiplied against the corresponding Edge Slider in the Texture Groups of the Node. |
- Amount
Allows setting the Amount of Cells via a Nodegraph Input.
Will overwrite the Amount X and Amount Y Sliders.
Separate values can be fed to X and Y by specifying different values for Red and Green channel of the attached node stream
Allows for scale changes to Cell contents. Needs to be activated by raising the Scale Map Multiplier within the Node
Scale Maps are evaluated per Pixel, not per Cell. |
Example of increasing the scale map
multiplier from 0 to 1 with a cloud
node attached to the scale map port
Allows the Displacement of Patterns. Needs to be activated by raising the Displacement Map Intensity Slider
Example of displacing a pattern with a
'Stripes' Node
Allows for Rotation of Patterns. Needs to be activated by raising the Rotation Map Multiplier
Example of raising the Rotation Map Multiplier
while a Circular Gradient Node is attached
to the Rotation Map Port
Allows for Rotation, Displacement and Scaling of Patterns based on the Normals of the Normal Map.
Needs to be activated by raising the appropriate Normal Map Slider in the Rotation,Position or Size Group of the Node
Allows hiding of parts of the Patterns with a Node Input. Needs to be activated by raising the Probability Map Multiplier
Due to a limitation in Mari, the Probability Map currently works based on pixels not based on cells, meaning your Probabililty Map acts more like a mask |
Allows changing the opacity of the Pattern with a Node Input.
Currently the behavior is very similar to the Probability Map.
Can be controlled via the Opacity Intensity Slider
Allows the colorizing of cells.
Needs to have Parametrization Mode set to Color and Parametrization Multiplier above 0
Allows for setting a Pattern Background. Fill Background needs to be turned on
- Bake Point Image A/B/C/D
The Bake Point Image Ports allows you to feed data into the Node from upstream nodes that have been baked via a bake point
When the node is evaluated, the Bake Point attached to the Port will be sampled and the UDIM 1001 Image will be transferred into
the Image Attribute (A/B/C/D) of the Node.
This allows you to create patterns and textures via a nodegraph and use them directly inside this node with an element of non-destructivness
Example of using a Nodegraph and a Bake Point to dynamically feed a Pattern Generator Node with Node Inputs
- Random Seed
By modifying the Random Seed, different looks can be achieved with the otherwise same settings.
- Amount Multiplier
A multiplier on the amount of Cells generated. Each cell is processed independently with the given settings (Position, Rotation etc. etc.)
- Amount X
Amount of cells generated horizontally. Each cell is processed independently with the given settings (Position, Rotation etc. etc.)
- Amount Y
Amount of cells generated vertically. Each cell is processed independently with the given settings (Position, Rotation etc. etc.)
- Image Inputs
Controls the Number if Image Inputs that are evaluated
- Pattern Repeat U
Repeats the pattern or input image x-amount of times horizontally in each cell.
Example of increasing Pattern Repeat U
on a 'Gaussian' Pattern
- Pattern Repeat V
Repeats the pattern or input image x-amount of times vertically in each cell.
- Pattern Random X
Randomly horizontally offsets the Pattern or Input Image within each cell
This is useful to have a more random look when using tileable textures
Example of randomly offsetting a tileable texture in X and Y
- Pattern Random Y
Randomly vertically offsets the Pattern or Input Image within each cell
This is useful to have a more random look when using tileable textures
- Rotation
Pre-rotates the Input Image or Pattern by either 90, 180 or 270 degrees
- Random Rotation
Applies a random rotation in 90 degree increments
- Map
Supply a texture map to use in the processing.
- Mipmap Blur
Allows you to blur the input image. This feature requires Mari 4.6v2.
- Image Type
If an image is specified as a Normal Map, rotating images recalculates normal vectors for correct lighting results.
Below you can see an example of this. The Material and its normal map was rotated 90 degrees from its original output.
- With the Normal Map specified in the Image Type, Mari correctly recalculate the normal map vectors for rotation changes resulting in consistent lighting in viewport & render.
- If the Normal Map is treated as a 'Standard Texture', no normal orientation is recalcuated, resulting in incorrect lighting in viewport & render
- Invert Map
Invert Input Image
- Blend Mode
The Blend Mode used to overlay a cell over other cells
Example of different effects achieved by changing the blend mode
- Alpha
Configure the Alpha Handling of the supplied image.
- From Map
The Transparency in your loaded texture map is used
- Alpha is Luminance
The Luminance of your loaded texture map is used as Alpha.
Black is transparent.
- Alpha is Inverted Luminance
The inverted Luminance of your loaded texture map is used as Alpha.
White is transparent.
- White
The Alpha of the loaded map is set to white resulting in the image being 100% opaque.
- Opacity
Set the Opacity for the given Input Image.
This works on top of the global opacity slider
The Edge Controls give you control over the edge transparency of the generated pattern, allowing you to create 'Brush Effects'
- Edge Falloff
Will contract the edges of your loaded textures. This parameter can also be mapped via the Nodegraph
- Edge Softness
Will feather the edges of your loaded textures from the start of the Edge Falloff to the centre of your texture.
This parameter can also be mapped via the Nodegraph
- Edge Roundness
Switches the Falloff from Square (0.0) to Radial (1.0).
This parameter can also be mapped via the Nodegraph
- Edge Distortion
The Edge Distortion is distorting the alpha in the softened areas based on the luminance of the pattern.
If Edge Distortion is 1.0 black parts of the pattern inside the cell will be hidden in the area of Edge Softness.
If Edge Distortion is -1.0 white parts of the pattern inside the cell will be hidden in the area of Edge Softness.
Example of raising Edge Distortion from 0 to 1
- Size X
The horizontal size of each cell
- Size Y
The vertical size of each cell
- Random Size X
Mix Factor for size randomization in X for each cell.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will squash the cells along X.
Negative Values (-1 - 0) will stretch the cells along X.
- Random Size Y
Mix Factor for size randomization in Y for each cell.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will squash the cells along Y.
Negative Values (-1 - 0) will stretch the cells along Y.
- Scale
A uniform scale factor.
- Random Scale
Mix Factor for uniform scale randomization.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will reduce the size of the cells randomly.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will increase the size of the cells randomly.
Controls the influence of the Scale Map attached to corresponding Port in the Nodegraph.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will reduce the size of the cells based on values found in the Scale Map.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will increase the size of the cells based on values found in the Scale Map.
Scale Maps are evaluated per Pixel, not per Cell. |
Example of increasing the scale map Example of increasing the scale map
multiplier from 0 to 1 with a cloud multiplier from 0 to -1 with a cloud
node attached to the scale map port node attached to the scale map port
- Scale Map Random
Applies a randomization to the Values supplied through the Scale Map attached to corresponding Port in the Nodegraph.
- Normal Map Multiplier
Controls the influence of the Normal Map attached to corresponding Port in the Nodegraph.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will reduce the size of the cells based on values found in the Scale Map.
Positive Values (0 - 1) will increase the size of the cells based on values found in the Scale Map.
- Scale Map Affects
Limits the Effect of Scale Map and Normal Map to scale in X direction, Y direction or uniformly both directions
- Position Random X/Y
Randomly offset the Cell Positions along X and Y.
Higher Position Random Values will require a higher Layer Cutoff Value, which in turn reduces performance. Often times the same look can be achieved with a lower Position Random Value |
- Offset
Sets an offset for cells. The type of offset is determined by the Offset Type (see below)
- Offset Type
- Horizontal quuincux
Controlled by the Offset Slider this will offset every second row of cells
- Vertical quuincux
Controlled by the Offset Slider this will offset every second column of cells
- Horizontal Global Normalized
This will add the value specified in Offset to each row successively then normalize the Offset to prevent it from going over 1.0.
Offset Value = 0.2
Row 1 will receive an offset of 0.2 in X
Row 2 will receive an offset of 0.4 in X
Row 3 will receive an offset of 0.6 in X
Row 4 will receive an offset of 0.8 in X
- Verrtical Global Normalized
This will add the value specified in Offset to each row successively then normalize the Offset to prevent it from going over 1.0.
Offset Value = 0.2
Row 1 will receive an offset of 0.2 in X
Row 2 will receive an offset of 0.4 in X
Row 3 will receive an offset of 0.6 in X
Row 4 will receive an offset of 0.8 in X
Row 5 will receive an offset of 1.0 in X
Row 6 will receive an offset of 0.2 in X
Row 7 will receive an offset of 0.4 in X
- Horizontal Global
This will add the value specified in Offset to each row successively.
Offset Value = 0.2
Row 1 will receive an offset of 0.2 in X
Row 2 will receive an offset of 0.4 in X
Row 3 will receive an offset of 0.6 in X
Row 4 will receive an offset of 0.8 in X
Row 5 will receive an offset of 1.0 in X
Row 6 will receive an offset of 1.2 in X
Row 7 will receive an offset of 1.4 in X
Higher Horizontal Global Values will require a higher Layer Cutoff Value, which in turn reduces performance. However if not raised you will notice pattern disappearing once the layer cutoff is reached. Consider using the Vertical Global Normalized mode instead which can achieve the same effect with lower Values |
- Vertical Global
This will add the value specified in Offset to each column successively.
Offset Value = 0.2
Column 1 will receive an offset of 0.2 in Y
Column 2 will receive an offset of 0.4 in Y
Column 3 will receive an offset of 0.6 in Y
Column 4 will receive an offset of 0.8 in Y
Column 5 will receive an offset of 1.0 in Y
Column 6 will receive an offset of 1.2 in Y
Column 7 will receive an offset of 1.4 in Y
Higher Horizontal Global Values will require a higher Layer Cutoff Value, which in turn reduces performance. However if not raised you will notice pattern disappearing once the layer cutoff is reached. Consider using the Vertical Global Normalized mode instead which can achieve the same effect with lower Values |
- Global Offset X/Y
Applies a global offset of the generated Pattern (all cells) along X or Y
If a Displacement Map is attached to the Node, this controls the offset intensity of the Displacement Map
Example of displacing a pattern with a
'Stripes' Node
- Displacement Map Angle
If a Displacement Map is attached to the Node and the Displacement Intensity slider is not 0, this controls direction in which to offset the cell contents
- Normal Map Displacement
If a Normal Map is attached to the Node, this controls the offset intensity of the Displacement Map
- Rotation
Applies a rotation to each cell
- Global Rotation
Rotates the end result of the Pattern Generation. (globally, instead of per cell)
- Rotation Pivot Centered
Controls the Rotation Pivot for the Global Rotation Slider.
If ticked on, the Pivot sits at the center of each UDIM (0.5,0.5)
If ticked off, the Pivot sits at U/V 0.0 of UDIM 1001
- Alternate Rotation
Applies a secondary rotation to the cells specified in the Alternate Rotation Method
Example of an alternate Rotation
with the Alternate Rotation Method set
to "Every Second row"
- Alternate Rotation Method
Determines which cells are affected by the Alternate Rotation Slider.
- Every Second Row
- Every Second Column
- Every Second Row and Column
- Rotation Random
Applies a random rotation to Cells
- Rotation Steps
Determines the freedom of the Rotation Random.
WIth a value of 360, Rotation Random will rotate cells freely from 0 to 360 degrees.
With a value of e.g. 90, Rotation Random will rotate cells in a range from 0 to 90 degrees.
If a Rotation Map is attached to the Node, this controls the influence of the attached rotation map on the result
Example of raising the Rotation Map Multiplier
while a Circular Gradient Node is attached
to the Rotation Map Port
- Normal Map Multiplier
If a Normal Map is attached to the Node, this controls the influence of the attached normal map on the result
- Alternate Symmetry
Applies a Mirroring effect to the cells specified
- None
Alternate Symmetry is disabled (default)
- Every Second Row
Every second row is mirrored in X, Y or X and Y (depending on the setting chosen in Alternate Symmetry affects)
- Every Second Column
Every second column is mirrored in X, Y or X and Y (depending on the setting chosen in Alternate Symmetry affects)
- Every Second Row and Column
Every second Row and column is mirrored in X, Y or X and Y (depending on the setting chosen in Alternate Symmetry affects)
- Mirrored
Similar to Every Second Column tries to create mirrored pairs in X.
Ignores Alternate Symmetry affects.
- Alternate Symmetry affects
Determines the mirroring axis for the Alternate Symmetry.
This setting is not evaluated if Alternate Symmetry is set to Mirrored. |
- Random Symmetry
Applies a Mirroring effect to random selection of cells
Example of Random Symmetry in X
- Random Symmetry affects
Determines the Mirror Axis to use for Random Symmetry
- Flip X / Y
Flips the cells in X or Y
- Mask Random
Randomly hides Cells
- Noise Type
Determines the Noise Type used for hiding cells when using Mask Random.
- Noise Seed
Randomizes the Noise Type used for hiding cells when using Mask Random
Controls the effect of the map attached to the Probability Map Port of the Node
Due to a limitation in Mari, the Probability Map currently works based on pixels not based on cells, meaning your Probabililty Map acts more like a mask |
- Probability Map Threshold
Thresholds the Probability Map attached to the Node.
- Probability Map Invert
Inverts the Probability Map attached to the Node.
- Alternate Masking
Applies a alternate Masking to the cells specified
- Ignore
Alternate Masking is disabled (default)
- Every Second Row
Every second row is hidden
- Every Second Column
Every second column is hidden
- Every Second Row and Column
Every second Row and column is hidden
- Layer Cutoff
The Layer Cutoff determines the number of iterations and radius around each cell the node runs through before it stops calculating.
If you are experiencing Seams this might be the reason
Higher Layer Cutoff Values reduces performance ! Keep this value as low as possible without seeing seams |
To better understand this behavior and to anticipate consider this:
- By default each cell is generated in a grid pattern at a scale of 1.
- Each cell has an internal position of 0.0 for its own coordinate system
If you change the position of a cell from its original position of 0.0/0.0 the Layer Cutoff needs to be increased
for a wider sample radius. So for example
- adding a Random Position Value of 1.0/1.0 means we need to sample up to 1 additional cell around the original cell.
- We need to increase the Layer Cutoff to at least 2
- adding a Random Position Value of 2.0/2.0 means we need to sample up to 2 additional cell around the original cell.
- We need to increase the Layer Cutoff to at least 3
If you change the scale of a cell from its original scale of 1.0 the Layer Cutoff needs to be increased
for a wider sample radius. So for example
- Changing the Scale to 2 means we need to sample 1 additional cell around the original cell.
- We need to increase the Layer Cutoff to at least 2
- Changing the Scale to 4 means we need to sample 3 additional cell around the original cell.
- We need to increase the Layer Cutoff to at least 4
- Attenuation
Attenuation lowers the value of layers in the background successively for each Layer ID until it reaches a value of 0
If ticked on, the Pattern will be generated over the Background defined in the Background Color or the background attached to the Background Node port
- Background Color
The Background Color for the Pattern if Fill Background is ticked on. The Background Color is ignores if something is attached to the Background Node port
- Tint
Tint the result of the Pattern Generation with the specified color. Mutliplies the specified color against the result of the computation.
- Value Offset
Adds or subtracts the specified value from each layer of the pattern computation, lightening or darkening the output.
- Opacity
Set the Opacity for each cell
Determines the influence of the Opacity Map if one is attached to the Opacity Node Port
- Scale Normal Map Intensity
If a Normal Map is used in the Input Image, this slider can be used to modulate the normal strength based on the size of the feature
- Random Hue Multiplier
Affects how much the Hue is randomized in between cells
- Random Hue Min/Max
Sets the Min and Max Range for Random Hue changes in between cells
- Random Saturation Multiplier
Affects how much the Saturation is randomized in between cells
- Random Saturation Min/Max
Sets the Min and Max Range for Random Saturation changes in between cells
- Random Luminance Multiplier
Affects how much the Luminance is randomized in between cells
- Random Luminance Min/Max
Sets the Min and Max Range for Random Luminance changes in between cells
- Random Opacity Multiplier
Affects how much the Opacity is randomized in between cells
- Random Opacity Min/Max
Sets the Min and Max Range for Random Opacity changes in between cells
Output Alphas |
The Settings found in the Output Alphas Group determine how transparency of cell content is treated in the additional Output Ports of the Node
(Pattern UVs, Pattern Center, Pattern Index, Pattern Manifold and Pattern Scale)
- UVs premultiply
Premultiplies the transparency of cell content returned on the Pattern UVs output Port
- Center premultiply
Premultiplies the transparency of cell content returned on the Pattern Center output Port
- Index/Manifold premultiply
Premultiplies the transparency of cell content returned on the Pattern Index and Pattern Manifold output Ports
- Scale premultiply
Premultiplies the transparency of cell content returned on the Pattern Scale output Port
- Random premultiply
Premultiplies the transparency of cell content returned on the Pattern Random output Port
Texture Seams ? |
If you are seeing seams in your pattern try raising the Layer Cutoff
Higher Layer Cutoff Values reduces performance ! Keep this value as low as possible without seeing seams |