Shape Triplanar by Jens Kafitz

  • Where to find it:

    • Add Procedural Layer / Procedural / Extension Pack / Pattern /

    • NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Procedural / Extension Pack / Pattern /

This Node is also available as a 2D Version

The Shape Node allows you to generate a large variety of standard shapes


Available Shapes

Below you can see an overview over the separate shape types with their two modifiers.

Pattern Specific Options are not configurable for all shapes.






Half Bell

Ridged Bell









Round Corner Square


Cross 2


Gradation 2





Circular Gradation

Node Overview

Node Ports

  • Manifold 3D

When mapped the world space position the node uses to calculate the projection is supplied by the port.

This can be used for example to apply warping to the projection using Manifold Nodes

  • Pattern Scale

Control the Size of the generated Pattern. Overwrites Scale Slider if mapped

  • Pattern Specific 1

An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern. Overwrites Pattern Specific 1 Slider if mapped.

  • Pattern Specific 2

An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern. Overwrites Pattern Specific 2 Slider if mapped

  • Manifold 3D

When mapped the world space position the node uses to calculate the projection is supplied by the port.

This can be used for example to apply warping to the projection using Manifold Nodes

  • Manifold 3D

When mapped the world space position the node uses to calculate the projection is supplied by the port.

This can be used for example to apply warping to the projection using Manifold Nodes

  • 3D Scale (XYZ)

When mapped

    • the red channel of the attached connection is used to drive the 3D Scale Attribute for the front part of the projection.
    • The green channel of the attached connection is used to drive the 3D Scale Attribute for the top part of the projection.
    • The blue channel of the attached connection is used to drive the 3D Scale Attribute for the right part of the projection.

  • 3D Rotation (XYZ)

When mapped the red channel of the attached connection is used to drive the Rotate X Attribute,

the green channel the Rotate Y Attribute and the blue channel the Rotate Z Attribute

  • UV Scale (UV)

When mapped the red channel of the attached connection is used to drive the UV Angle X Attribute,

the green channel the UV Angle Y Attribute and the blue channel the UV Angle Z Attribute

  • UV Angle (XYZ)

When mapped the red channel of the attached connection is used to drive the UV Rotation Right Attribute,

the green channel the UV Rotation Top Attribute and the blue channel the UV Rotation Front Attribute

  • UV Offset (UV)

When mapped the red channel of the attached connection is used to drive the U Offset  Attribute,

the green channel the V Offset Attribute

  • Jitter Noise

By default the Edge Blending Jitter uses a node internal noise to perform its jittering/randomization of edges.

By attaching a noise of your choosing to the Jitter Noise Connection in the Nodegraph you can overwrite this

internal noise.

Node Properties



  • Tiling

Control the repeat of the generated shape


  • Pattern

Select the shape type to generate

  • Pattern Specific 1

An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern

  • Pattern Specific 2

An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern

Try using the Arrow up and down keys to easily control and change Pattern specific values

Pattern Crop

The Pattern Crop options allow to 'cut' the edges of a pattern, allowing even more variation

Example of using the Pattern Crop to generate a triangle from a square

  • Top

Control the Crop from Top to Bottom per Shape

  • Bottom

Control the Crop from Bottom to Top per Shape

  • Left

Control the Crop from Left to Right per Shape

  • Right

Control the Crop from Right to Left per Shape

  • Rotate

Rotate the Crop 'Frame' around its center

Pattern Modifier

  • Scale

Control the Size of the generated Pattern

You can enter values outside the slider range via the keyboard

  • Scale X

A multiplier against the horizontal Size of the Pattern

You can enter values outside the slider range via the keyboard

  • Scale Y

A multiplier against the vertical Size of the Pattern

You can enter values outside the slider range via the keyboard

  • Rotate

Rotate the generated pattern


  • Shape Color

The Fill Color of the generated Shape

  • Background Color

The Background Color of the Shape


Triplanar Settings

The Triplanar Settings control the projection in 3d Space

The settings are similar to a regular Triplanar Node found in Mari.

  • 3D Scale

Will increase the size of the projection.

This is a very similar effect to changing the UV Repeat in the UV Settings.

  • Projection Rotate X/Y/Z

Will change the rotation of the Triplanar 'Projection Cube' in space.

This should not be confused with changing UV Rotation which will rotate the projected image on

each side of the projection.

Projection Rotate is useful if your asset is not perfectly aligned in the main world space axis X Y and Z

and you see projection stretching as a result of it.

Sample of rotating a projection in 3d space. While this example is using

 an Axis Projection Node the concept is the same for the Texture Scatter Triplanar Node

  • Edge Falloff Start

The Edge Falloff Start determines the minimum angle where the projection

starts to be fully opaque

  • Edge Falloff End

The Edge Falloff End determines the maximum angle where the projection

starts to be fully transparent

  • Edge Falloff

The Edge Falloff Curve determines the general Falloff of each projection axis to its sides.

This is similar to adjusting the Edge Falloff Start and Edge Falloff End Sliders however

it allows you to create non-linear edge blending

  • Jitter Intensity

Jitter will make the edges of projections less uniform/straight.

The Jitter Intensity determines the amplitude of the the Jitter.

You can overwrite the Noise used for jittering the edges by mapping the Jitter Noise Port in the Nodegraph

  • Jitter Scale

Determines the Frequency of the internal Noise used for jittering.

Jitter Scale is ignored if something is attached via the Nodegraph to the Jitter Noise Port

UV Settings

  • UV Repeat

Will repeat the result x-amount of times.

  • U Scale

Will scale the result along U.

  • V Scale

Will scale the result along V.

  • UV Rotation

Will rotate the result for all axis of the Triplanar Projection

  • UV Rotation Right

Will rotate the UVs just along the X-Axis of the Triplanar Projection.

  • UV Rotation Top

Will rotate the UVs just along the Y-Axis of the Triplanar Projection.

  • UV Rotation Front

Will rotate the UVs just along the Z-Axis of the Triplanar Projection.

  • U Offset

Will offset the result along U.

  • V Offset

Will offset the result along V.