Released by Jens Kafitz, 2016 - Extension Pack
RELEASE DATE: January 22nd, 2016
REQUIRES: Mari 3.0v1 or higher *(Indie/Non-Commerical not supported)
= available in Nodegraph Only
= New Demo Video available
= Demo Video available
Extension Pack 5 In Extension Pack 5 Edge Wear Presets are now part of the Mask Shelf |
As part of Extension Pack 5 you have access to several new Presets for Edge Wear and Modo Bake recipes
Presets need to be downloaded & installed separately. Please refer to the Presets Installation Help for more information.
- Edge Wear Presets
Extension Pack 5 includes pre-configured Edge Wear Presets that can act as building blocks for assets
or serve as samples for study purposes how to create your own.
The archive for the scene from the image shown below is included as an optional download for Extension Pack 5.
Dynamask is a special Edge Wear Preset. Instead of giving you a pre-defined look as the other Edge Wear Presets do,
it provides a very robust base network with necessary attributes to create a wide variety of different masks that you can
save for easy reuse. It mimics the DynaMask system you might be familiar with if you have used Quixel Products before.
(click for larger image):
Extension Pack 5 includes 4 new Bake Presets for use with Mari's internal MODO Bake System
(click for larger image)
The Mask from Curvature Node is an Image processing Node designed to create edge wear
effects. This node is the core of all edge wear presets and the Dynamask that ship with Extension Pack 5
The Simple Input Switch lets you toggle between two inputs via a checkbox.
This is useful for setting up and exposing attributes to gizmos that need to disable certain parts of a node network
(turn damage on/off etc.)
Allows you to convert your Tangent Space Normal Map into Mari's Normal Space so it can be used with
a variety of standard Mari Nodes in the Nodegraph that offer a Normal Handle.
Burns or dodges colors by decreasing or increasing the brightness, depending on the blend value.
- A Seed Parameter was added to the Manifold3D Node. The Seed allows you to quickly randomize
the starting values of the Node..
The Axis Mask Node can now evaluate Surfaces based on a Normal Map that can be attached via the Nodegraph.
By utilizing a Normal Map you get accurate directional effects on details not part of the model as well.
- The Mix Slider in PolysurfaceCurvature/Normal Map now properly scales the intensity of the normal map without affecting the Blue Channel.
The previous existing blend mode dropdown for Normal Map Mixing was removed to simplify the process.
- Overall quality of edge evaluation derived from Normal Maps was improved
The Axis Projection Node can now evaluate Surfaces based on a Normal Map that can be attached via the Nodegraph
A UV Handle was added to the Node in the Nodegraph. This allows you to feed in a custom coordinate system into the Node.
for example by using a Manifold UV Node.
- Condition
- The Condition Node can now separate if a condition is met between combined RGBA and separate R,G,B and A.
The default option of separate R,G,B and A will (as before) evaluate the condition for each Channel separately and switch
between THEN and ELSE on a per Color Channel basis.
If the separate R,G,B and A Option is turned off, the condition is only met when R,G,B and A all meet the specified criterion, otherwise ELSE
will become active.
- Images loaded into the Image Node were loaded flipped vertically by default
- The center of rotation when defining the axis for Object Space Linear Gradient (centered) was located at the edge of the object by mistake
making it difficult to precisely adjust it. The center is now at object center.
This fix will change the visual look of the gradient slightly when the node is updated in your project ! |
- Object Space Linear Gradient (centered) did not clamp its calculation to 0-1 values before applying
Colors A and B causing Value 'Blowouts' in projects with large scale objects.
- A bug was fixed that could cause a system hangup under Windows when using the Node as part of a
a full shader preview.
- Some Nodegraph Input Handle Names would revert to a Number after a Project was reopened.
This fix will only apply to newly created Nodes.
- The Bit Depth Dropdown in the 'Transform Paint' Toolbar did not update with the Channel Selection when 'Link Depth to Channel' was turned on
(fix requires Mari 3.0v2 or higher to work)
- A bug was fixed in the Material Regions SpecGloss preset that was preventing the Specular component from transmitting color information
- A bug was fixed in all Material Region Nodes where the Input Multiplier Fields sometimes were multiplying against the Alpha as well
- Due to a fix in Mari 3.0v2 it is now possible to cache Material Region Nodes. The documentation has been updated to reflect these changes.
- Jens Kafitz -
- Sebastian Freigang -
- John Crowe
- Yasin Hasanian
- Dave Girard
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