Mask Shelf |
The primary purpose of the Mask Shelf is to store Layer and Node Network Presets.
Explore the topics below to
The Mask shelf can be loaded from two contexts - in each context the available options to interact with content will differ but the content
is the same.
Mask Shelf Content is the same in both contexts. Adding or removing a preset in one context applies to the other context as well |
The first time you load a shelf in your current mari sessions loading will take longer to build thumbnails |
Layer Stack Context:
- Where to find it:
- Layers Palette / Right Mouse Click / Mask Shelf
- Main Window / Scripts / Layers / Mask Shelf
Nodegraph Context:
- Where to find it:
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Masks / Mask Shelf
- Main Window / Scripts / Nodegraph / Masks / Mask Shelf
The Mask Shelf comes populated with a large number of presets by default.
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