The Source Color Range affects the 'opacity' of the mask that is being applied to mix between Source Color and Target Color.
It works by setting new White and Black Output Levels in the luminance.
In a Remapping node this would be equivalent to the 'New Minimum Value' and 'New Maximum Value'
The Fine Threshold affects the contrast levels of the mask that is being applied to mix between Source Color and Target Color.
It works by setting new White and Black Input Levels in the Luminance.
In a remapping node this would be the equivalent the the 'Old Minimum Value' and the 'Old Maximum Value'
Other than the Large Threshold which affects the entire luminance range (0-1) the Fine Threshold only works in the range
of 0.0- 0.01 giving you extremely fine control over color selections.
The sliders for Fine and Large Threshold are added together to make up the final threshold value
The Large Threshold affects the contrast levels of the mask that is being applied to mix between Source Color and Target Color.
It works by setting new White and Black Input Levels in the Luminance.
In a remapping node this would be the equivalent the the 'Old Minimum Value' and the 'Old Maximum Value'
The Large Threshold affects the entire luminance range (0-1) making it more suitable for broad value selections
The sliders for Fine and Large Threshold are added together to make up the final threshold value