Paint Node Background Color Presets

  • Shortcut (Nodegraph Only):   Shift + P

Users often find themselves in need to create Paint Nodes with a specific Background Color.

Unfortunately Mari natively does not offer presets or swatches in the "Create Paint Node" Dialog.

Extension Pack aims to help with that by allowing a Hotbox to force open the "Create Paint Node" Dialog with certain settings

For this a new Paint Node Presets Hotbox has been added, available under the default hotkey SHIFT+P.
Choosing a preset from the Hotbox will automatically pre-configure the New Paint Node Dialog to open with your chosen settings


While the different presets are python scripts executed from a Hotbox, customization is relatively easy.

  1. Open the Hotbox Manager

  2. Locate the Paint Presets Hotbox

  3. Select the Button you wish to edit, then click 'SET' in the Button Settings

  4. To edit Color and Alpha Values, edit the "Clear Color" Line. In the below example 1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0, we get a Green Color with a solid Alpha

  5. To edit the Scalar Setting set the ColorSpaceScalar Setting to "False" (checkbox unticked) or "True" (checkbox ticked)