PBR Workflow Conversion

  • Where to find it: (These Nodes are available in the Nodegraph only)

    • NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Workflow Conversion /

Extension Pack 6 contains nodes to convert map types from one common PBR shader workflow

to another. 

You are able to convert Channels from a Metal/Roughness Workflow to a Reflectance/Roughness or Specular/Glossiness workflow.

PBR MetalRough to ReflectanceRoughness

This Node will convert Inputs to Outputs:

Inputs                                Outputs

Base Color                        Diffuse

Height                                Displacement

Normal                        Normal

Roughness                        SpecRoughness

Metalness                        SpecReflectance

F0Specular                        SpecColor

Node Overview

Node Ports

  • Inputs (left side)

Input Maps and Channels in the MetalRough Workflow

  • Outputs (right side)

Output Channels in the Reflectance-Roughness Workflow into different channels or layers.

Node Properties

  • Metal Diffuse Weight

If the Input 'Metal' is 1 (metallic surface), the correct diffuse color in a 'Reflectance-Roughness' Workflow

would be black. By increasing the 'Metal Diffuse Weight' more diffuse color will be added into the

'Diffuse' Output.

  • Metal SpecColor Weight

If the Input 'Metal' is 1 (metallic surface), the correct spec color in a 'Reflectance-Roughness' Workflow

would be 100% the 'Base Color' from a MetalRough workflow while the correct diffuse color would be black.

By decreasing the 'Metal SpecColor Weight' the SpecColor will become whiter.

  • Metal SpecRefl Weight

If the Input 'Metal' is 1 (metallic surface), the correct Reflectance value in a 'Reflectance-Roughness' Workflow

would be the value of the Reflectance Value of the  'Base Color' from a MetalRough workflow.

By decreasing the 'Metal SpecRefl Weight' you are artificially lowering the output reflectance value.

  • Roughness to Glossiness

By default the Node outputs specularRoughness - rougher surfaces are represented by higher values.

By turning on the 'Roughness to Glossiness' checkbox this behavior is inverted. Shinier surfaces are

represented by higher values, rougher surfaces by lower values.

PBR MetalRough to SpecGlossiness

This Node will convert Inputs to Outputs:

Inputs                                Outputs

Base Color                        Diffuse

Height                                Height

Normal                        Normal

Roughness                        Specular

Metalness                        Glossiness

Specular Level                IOR                

Node Overview

Node Ports

  • Inputs (left side)

Input Maps and Channels in the MetalRough Workflow

  • Outputs (right side)

Output Channels in the Specular-Glossiness Workflow into different channels or layers.

Node Properties

  • Set Non-Metallic Specular to White

If ticked the Specular Color for Non-metallic areas will be white. Otherwise they will inherit the reflectance value

based on the Input Specular Level (0.0 - 0.08). In most usage cases and renders this checkbox should remain unticked.