Describes the level of detail of the noise. Detail is created by encapsulating the modifiers below into a loop and
running it multiple times incrementing the values from loop to loop.
This Port has no effect for Noise Types: Value,Simplex,Perlin
Controls the size of the secondary fine details.
This Port has no effect for Noise Types: Value,Simplex,Perlin
The amount to multiply the noise's amplitude by for each octave
The amplitude is hardcoded for this noise to start at 1.0 for the first octave,
then gets multiplied by the Gain 1x time for each octave incrementing the value of the amplitude
This Port has no effect for Noise Types: Value,Simplex,Perlin
Defines the Value at which point the noise will be tipped towards color A (values to the left of the set slider value)
or color B (values to the right of the set slider value).
Clamps the noise calculation to a 0-1 range.
Color A/B are applied after the Clamping, so you can still set values above 1 if you choose to
however by clamping the Noise calculation the color mixing between the two colors works more
reliably. In general this should be left on.
Inverts the result of the noise. Inversion is done before color A and B are applied.