Mouse Direction based Align & Distribute

  • Align Shortcut (Nodegraph Only): Q + Mouse Mouse Left/Right/Up/Down

  • Distribute Shortcut (Nodegraph Only): Shift + Q + Mouse Mouse Left/Right/Up/Down

Extension Pack 6 comes with new and intuitive ways to align & distribute nodes - all with a single hotkey and mouse direction action.

This feature mimics what SideFX Houdini users are familiar with.

See all the Quick Alignment and Distribution Features in Action here:

.. and a full tutorial here

Extension Pack's own Alignment Features are now also available by pressing Hotkey Q and moving your mouse in a direction.

If you press the Modifier Key ALT+Q the Alignment Features run per Node Stream,

When pressing Hotkey Shift + Q the behavior changes to utilize newly implemented Distribution and Layout Features

The Mouse Aware setup can be fully customized using the Hotbox Manager.

WIthin the Hotbox Manager you will find two Hotboxes, one mapped to Hotkey Q, the other to Shift+Q

Each Button corresponds to an action and direction 

To temporarily show an invisible button, untick the "Transparent Background" option in the Button Settings

The automatic execution of the invisible buttons is achieved via the "Execute on Btn. Activation" Setting
in the Hotbox Settings Tab.