Why is the recommended Mari Version different than the minimum required Mari Version ? 

The Main MARI  Application changes with every version. While Extension Pack will try and make use of the latest features available,

in order to ensure users with older MARI versions can still run Extension Pack, certain features might not be available.

Below is a list of features that react differently between Mari Versions

  • Display of Node Properties for Gizmos and Smart Masks in Layerstack

When using MARI 4.5 or higher Smart Masks will display their properties within the Layerstack.

This option is not available in Mari 4.1 or 4.2.

To edit your Smart Mask in Mari 4.1 and 4.2 you will have to open the Smart Mask Node Properties from the Nodegraph

Example if Smart Mask Properties in the Layer Stack. Displayed in a Version larger than Mari 4.2

  • Multi-Output Support on Nodes

When using MARI 4.5 all Extension Pack Tools will be fully aware of Nodes with multiple Output Ports.

In Mari 4.1 and 4.2 Extension Pack Tools will always default to the first Output Port

Example of Node with more than one Output Port

  • Blurring of Input Images

Several Extension Pack Nodes allow you to blur images used within Nodes.

Blurring of Image data requires Mari 4.6v2 or higher

Example of the MipMap Blur setting found in a node.

  • Installation of additional shelf content - Textures

Extension Pack ships with a collection of included Grunge and Imperfection Textures that get added to the standard Mari Shelf.

Automatic installation of this shelf content requires Mari 4.5 or higher.

If you are using a version earlier than 4.5 you can find 

    • the textures inside your /Scripts/MariExtensionPack_5R3/Resources/Textures Folder.

You will then have to manually load them into Mari via the image manager.

  • Installation of additional shelf content - Material Templates

Extension Pack ships with a collection of Material Presets that get added to the standard Mari Shelf.

Due to some presets using Mari 4.6 nodes, Material Presets require Mari 4.6 or higher

If you are using a version earlier than 4.6 you can find 

    • the material presets inside the /Scripts/MariExtensionPack_5R3/Resources/MaterialPresets Folder.

You will then have to manually load them into Mari via e.g. the Nodegraph Right Mouse Click / Load Material Function.

  • Node Alignment

The Ability to align nodes with each other is restricted to Mari 4.7 or above

  • Drag and Drop Support

The Ability to 

    • Drag and Drop Images from the Image Manager into Nodegraph or Layerstack
    • Drag and Drop Color Swatches into the Layerstack
    • Drag and Drop Mask Shelf Presets into the Layerstack

... is restricted to Mari 4.7 or above

  • Phasor Noise

The Noise Type Phasor Noise is only available in Mari 4.7v2 or higher due to usage of UI elements not available in earlier Mari Versions

  • Transform Toolbar, additional UI Elements

Extension Pack adds several new Features to the "Transform Selected Object" Toolbar.

In Versions below Mari 4.8 the new UI Elements will only appear if the user manually selects the Transform Selected Object Tool. 

It will not appear if Mari sets the Tool active for example via the 'p' button next to locators inside of Nodes.

In these cases you will need to switch to a different tool, then back to the Transform Selected Object Tool to see it.

From Mari 4.8 onwards the new UI Elements are there regardless

New Elements added to the "Transform Selected Object" Toolbar