Shape 2D by Jens Kafitz |
- Where to find it:
- Add Procedural Layer / Procedural / Extension Pack / Pattern /
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Procedural / Extension Pack / Pattern /
This Node is also available as a Triplanar Version |
The Shape Node allows you to generate a large variety of standard shapes
Below you can see an overview over the separate shape types with their two modifiers.
Pattern Specific Options are not configurable for all shapes. |
Square |
Frame |
Disc |
Paraboloid |
Bell |
Half Bell |
Ridged Bell |
Gaussian |
Thorn |
Hemisphere |
Cone |
Crescent |
Ring |
Pyramid |
Brick |
Round Corner Square |
Cross |
Cross 2 |
Gradation |
Gradation 2 |
Waves |
Polygon |
Kite |
Capsule |
Circular Gradation |
- Manifold (UV)
Overwrite the default UVs used with custom uvs (for example through a Manifold UV Node).
This can be used to control UV settings from a separate node entity
- Pattern Scale
Control the Size of the generated Pattern. Overwrites Scale Slider if mapped
- Pattern Specific 1
An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern. Overwrites Pattern Specific 1 Slider if mapped,.
- Pattern Specific 2
An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern. Overwrites Pattern Specific 2 Slider if mapped,.
- Tiling
Control the repeat of the generated shape
- Pattern
Select the shape type to generate
- Pattern Specific 1
An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern
- Pattern Specific 2
An Option to change the look of the generated Pattern. Varies based on Patttern
Try using the Arrow up and down keys to easily control and change Pattern specific values |
The Pattern Crop options allow to 'cut' the edges of a pattern, allowing even more variation
Example of using the Pattern Crop to generate a triangle from a square
- Top
Control the Crop from Top to Bottom per Shape
- Bottom
Control the Crop from Bottom to Top per Shape
- Left
Control the Crop from Left to Right per Shape
- Right
Control the Crop from Right to Left per Shape
- Rotate
Rotate the Crop 'Frame' around its center
- Scale
Control the Size of the generated Pattern
You can enter values outside the slider range via the keyboard |
- Scale X
A multiplier against the horizontal Size of the Pattern
You can enter values outside the slider range via the keyboard |
- Scale Y
A multiplier against the vertical Size of the Pattern
You can enter values outside the slider range via the keyboard |
- Rotate
Rotate the generated pattern
- Shape Color
The Fill Color of the generated Shape
- Background Color
The Background Color of the Shape
- Repeat U
Sets the Repeat along the U coordinate (horizontal) multiplied by the 'Tiling' in the Main Tab
- Repeat V
Sets the Repeat along the V coordinate (vertical) multiplied by the 'Tiling' in the Main Tab
- Rotate
Will apply a rotation to the UVs with the given Transform Pivot
- Translate U / V
Will translate your UVs along U (horizontal) or V (vertical)
The Transform Pivot determines the pivot used for any UV Transformation such as Scaling and Rotating
- Pivot U / V
When perUDIMPivot is turned on this determines the location of the Pivot for each UDIM. A value of 0.5/0.5 means that
each UDIM has its Transform Pivot in the centre of the Patch.
This is comparable the Transform Pivot you might be familiar with when applying Layer Transformations in Photoshop.
This setting is not evaluated when PerUDIM Pivot is turned off.
- Per UDIM Pivot
Affects the transformation pivot for UV Transforms.
With PerUDIMPivot on,all transformation will be performed with a pivot inside each UDIM (as determined by the Pivot U/V Position).
With PerUDIMPivot off, transformations for all UDIMs share one common pivot at the base of UDIM 1001
This will ensure seamless textures across UDIMs when your UV Shell is scaled up and covering multiple UDIMs.
without a cut in between.
UV Transformations applied to multiple UDIMs with perUDIM Pivot On (left) and off (right)