Input Switch X4 by Jens Kafitz |
- Where to find it: (This Node is available in the Nodegraph only)
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Layer / Extension Pack /
This Node is also available as a version with 11 Inputs Input Switch X11 |
The Input Switch will switch between 4 Inputs based on a step value provided by the 'Case Selection' Connection
- Case 1 - 4
The different Inputs the Node will cycle through
- Case Selection
Provides the Value that is used to determine which Case (1,2,3 or 4) to output from the Node.
If nothing is attached to this connection Case A is used.
- Step Cases by
The Value Range between each Case.
By default a value of 0.25 is used meaning that on a Value range of 0-1 fed in via the Case Selection Connection
the node will output
- Case 1 for 0-0.25
- Case 2 for 0.25 - 0.5
- Case 3 for 0.5 -0.75
- Case 4 for 0.75 - 1.0