Normal Edge |
- Where to find it:
- Add Adjustment Layer / Extension Pack / Normal Map /
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Nodes / Filter / Extension Pack / Normal Map /
The Normal Edge Adjustment Layer will detect curvature & edges from layers below the adjustment, such
as a tangent space normal map.
It will not detect curvature or edges from your model, use the Mari 'Curvature' Node for that instead.
Pixelation/Tesselation Due to MARI & OpenGL limitations Edge from Normal Map does not average the values between individual pixels at the moment.This results in a tesselated/pixelated look. It is recommended to flatten the node (by using channel/flatten, layer/merge or layer/clone & merge) and apply a Gaussian Blur to filter the mask. |
- Curvature
Determines the threshold on the curvature. Curvature is evaluated as absolute values meaning there is no difference
between concave and convex curvature being made.
- Min Curvature Variation
Determines the minimum difference of the normal between neighboring pixels that will cause an edge to be evaluated
- Intensity
A multiplier on mask.
- Invert
Inverts the result of the mask - black becomes white and white versa.
- Hard Edged
Hard Edged Mode will clip any grayscale values giving you a 2-value mask - pure black & pure white.
- Attenuate by AO
Attenuate by Ambient Occlusion will multiply your Curvature and Intensity Sliders by Mari's Ambient Occlusion.
You will most likely have to adjust the Intensity to compensate.
Generate Ambient Occlusion 'Attenuate by Ambient Occlusion' relies on Maris pre-generated occlusion to work. Generate Object Occlusion via the OBJECTS Menu first. |