Radio Transmitter by Jens Kafitz |
- Where to find it: (This Node is available in the Nodegraph only)
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Misc / Extension Pack /
- Shortcut: (unassigned, use "Edit / Shortcuts" to assign)
For a full overview of the Radio Node System click here: Radio Node System Overview |
The Radio Node System is a combination of custom nodes for the Nodegraph and Menu actions interacting
with these Nodes.
The purpose of the System is to provide the option to hide connection lines between nodes in order to have
a cleaner Nodegraph with less intersecting lines.
Radio Transmitter Nodes allow you to connect a selected Radio Node via the Right Mouse Click / Misc/ Connect to Transmitter Option
to a Transmitter anywhere in the Graph.
Connecting a selected Radio Node to a previously created Radio Transmitter Node via the Right Mouse Click / Misc / Connect to Transmitter Dialog
The Radio Transmitter Node is a custom node that can be called by a Radio Node from anywhere inside your current Nodegraph via the Connect To Transmitter Menu Option.
It can can be left either without an output connection or can be utlizied as part of a network chain
Radio Transmitter Nodes contain a checkbox (on by default) to determine if they are accepted nodes for the Automatic Reconnection of Radio Nodes on Import
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