Maximize Value |
- Where to find it:
- Add Adjustment Layer / Extension Pack / Color Correction /
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Nodes / Filter / Extension Pack / Color Correction /
Maximize Value will offset the RGB Colors until one of them reaches a value of 1.0.
This is mostly useful for the creation of Specular Color Maps for Metallic Surfaces where
you don't want to take out Specular Intensity (in order to remain Energy Conserving) while
at the same time giving tinted specular highlights.
- Method
The Method used for offsetting the RGB Colors:
The Corrected Method will set the Value (Hue/Saturation/Value) of all Colors to 1.0.
There will be no value below 1.0 left on the input texture.
The Maximum Method will determine the highest value for each pixels Red, Green and Blue Channel
and offset all color channels to 1.0 (Input + (1.0 - Highest Value) )
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