Create Channels from Node |
- Where to find it:
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Edit / Misc
- Main Window / Extension Pack / Nodegraph / Edit / Misc
- Shortcut: (unassigned, use "Edit / Shortcuts" to assign)
- Overview
- Video
- Nodes vs Shaders
- Presets
- Presets via Environment Variables
- Row Activation Quick Buttons
- Row Selection Quick Buttons
- Row Settings
Overview |
The Channels from Node Tool allows you to quickly create Channels for Node Outputs and Shader Inputs, with your personal preference and presets for naming,
resolution etc. Optionally presets can also be standardized across a team via an Environment Variable.
An Example of creating the necessary channels for a material with one click
Video |
Nodes vs Shaders |
- If the Channels from Node Tool is launched with a regular Node selected, the resulting channels will be attached to the Node Outputs
- If the Channels from Node Tool is launched with a Shader Node selected, the resulting channels will be attached to the Shaders Inputs
Presets |
- Using the Channels from Node Dialog you can save Presets of Channels Names and Channel Configurations, to quickly recall them between projects.
- The active preset selected, when executing the Dialog ('Create Channels' Button) is saved and restored the next time you open the dialog
- Presets can be exported and imported using configuration files.
- Presets can be auto populated from an Environment Variable MARI_CHANNELS_FROM_NODE
Preset Dropdown
Choose from a saved preset.
Selecting a preset will update the Channel Name Fields, Resolution, Bitdepth etc. in the dialog if the presets
contains values for the corresponding node ports on the selected node in the node graph
Executing the dialog via the 'Create Channels' Button while a preset is selected, will trigger this preset to be reselected
the next time the dialog opens
Create new Preset
Adds a new preset to the preset list.
WIthin presets all settings from the main section of your dialog will be saved except:
- Active Row State
- 'From Channel' Custom Resolution
Delete Preset
Deletes the currently active preset.
Please note, if the preset was automatically added via an environment variable, the next time the Dialog is opened, the preset will
reappear in the dropdown
Update Preset
Updates the currently selected Preset with the settings found in the main section of the dialog.
Please note, if the preset was automatically added via an environment variable, the next time the Dialog is opened, the preset will
revert back to the preset provided by the Environment variable
Rename Preset
Renames the currently selected preset
Exports all presets in your dropdown as a configuration file.
Import Presets
Import Presets from a configuration file. If presets with same names already exists, a dialog will prompt you for conflict
Example of a conflict resolve dialog for importing presets
Presets via Environment Variables |
To standardize presets within a team of artist you can Export Presets and point the Environment Variable
to the preset file.
Users opening the dialog while such an Environment Variable is loaded will:
- have all Presets included in the Configuration File/Environment Variable populated into their preset dropdwon
- Presets from the Environment Variable will be the preferred presets in case of duplicate names
- The Preset that was active when the Configuration File was saved will be the initial active preset (until user chooses another one
and confirms/executes the dialog
Row Activation Quick Buttons |
Create Channels from Node will only create channels for the Activated Rows when the dialog is executed.
You can activate rows either by selecting the row (or multiples) and clicking on the row activation checkbox.
In addition to manually selecting or multiselecting rows some quick row activation buttons are available at the top of the dialog:
Activates all Rows
Hotkey: Alt + A
Deactivates all Rows
Hotkey: Alt + D
Inverts the current row activation(s)
Hotkey: Alt + I
Activates all rows that correspond to ports that have an existing node connection.
Regardless of Row Activation, Rows corresponding to ports with a connection will always be listed at the top
Hotkey: Alt + C
Example of Base Color, Roughness and Normal Slot being activated after clicking the 'Connected' Button
Will activate the currently selected rows
Hotkey: Alt + S
Last used
Will activate the rows, that were active the last time the dialog was executed (if port names exist as well on currently selected node).
The Last Used Mode is the default Mode that is being activated when the dialog is launched.
Hotkey: Alt + R
Row Selection Quick Buttons |
By using Row Selection Users can quickly change settings for multiple rows at once
Example of multi row selection and changing settings
The quick row selection buttons at the top of the dialog allow you additional row selection control:
Will select all rows
Hotkey: Ctrl + C
Will deselect all rows
Hotkey: Ctrl + D
Will invert the row selection
Hotkey: Ctrl + I
Will select any row that has been activated / has its row checkbox activated
Hotkey: Ctrl + S
Row Settings |
Each row in the main section of the dialog corresponds to one node port on the selected node.
Only ports are shown that do not have an existing channel attached to them.
Row Activation Checkbox
Activating the checkbox on the far left side of a row will trigger the corresponding channel to be created when the dialog is executed
Shader Input / Node Ouput Name
The Port the resulting channel will be connected to.
- If the dialog was launched with a shader node selected, this will display the shader input port name(s)
- If the dialog was launched with a regular node selected, this will display the shader output port name(s)
- If a material node was selected, this will display the full length port name
Shader Input / Node Ouput Short Name
If a shader or material was selected when the dialog was launched, this will display the 'Short Name' of the Port.
Short Names are the abbreviated Port Names for Shader Inputs the Mari Material System is using.
Channel Name
The name the new channel will be given when the dialog is executed.
Channel Names support Variables for auto filling in parts of Channels Names.
Supported Variables are:
Replaced with the Object Name
Replaced with the Geo Version Name
The resolution the new channel will be given when the dialog is executed.
- 256x256,512x512,1024x1024 etc.
You can choose from the standard Mari resolutions which will result in uniform texture resolution
across all udims
- From Channel
Specify an existing channel in your project to inherit udim specific resolutions from
View Source Channel The Channel that is assigned as source can be viewed in the Resolution Dropdown's Tooltip |
The Bit Depth the new channel will be given when the dialog is executed.
The Colorspace the new channel will be given when the dialog is executed.
Raw / Scalar
Determines if the Channel should contain Raw Data and if the Viewport Color Transform should be activated when
viewing the channel
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