Function Overview |
The following functions are exposed as part of MARI Extension Pack 4 R2 and can be called from nodes.
They can be found under:
Computes the fresnel function using using the schlick approximation
Calculate the tangent and binormal from the input normal vector
Oren Nayar Diffuse
Ward Anisotropic Specular
Ward Isotropic Specular
EP_voronoi outline crack pattern
EP_voronoi cellular pattern generator
EP_voronoi cellular pattern
Generates a popcorn like shape, if inverted it has similarities with veins
The fractal version of EP_voronoi_popcorn for more randomness
Used in Color Range to Mask Node to Oversaturating the colors to make picking more precise enhancing picked color ranges by applying a vibrancy function for saturation
default values for color range to mask are (inputcolor,0.2,0.3,3.5)
Returns black and white mask from source based on clipcolor
sRgb to Linear Conversion
sRgb to Linear Conversion
Linear to sRGB conversion
Linear to sRGB conversion
Kelvin to RGB
distance squared
real distance
quadratic distance
manhattan/taxicab/cityblock distance
minkowski preset exponent 0.5
minkowski preset exponent 4
minkowski, general case, slow, maybe too slow to be useful
exp = 0.5f MinkovskyH, exp = 1.0f Manhattan, exp = 2.3f Squared
exp = 4.0f Minkovsky4, exp = 20.0f Chebychev
Sample the environment texture for a latitude longitude map in the supplied direction for reflection mapping
gabor noise function
ridged multi-fractal
p position and approximate inter-pixel spacing
octaves max # of octaves to calculate
lacunarity frequency spacing between successive octaves
gain scaling factor between successive octaves
offset a factor to offset the octaves
inigo multi-fractal
p position and approximate inter-pixel spacing
octaves max # of octaves to calculate
lacunarity frequency spacing between successive octaves
gain scaling factor between successive octaves
inigo multi fractal noise
ridged multi fractal noise
Value 3D Noise
Perlin Noise 3D ( gradient noise )
Return value range of -1.0->1.0
EP_SimplexPerlin3D ( simplex gradient noise )
Perlin noise over a simplex (tetrahedron) grid
Return value range of -1.0->1.0
Return value range of -1.0->1.0
EP_Value3D noise with derivatives
returns vec3( value, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv )
Perlin Surflet 3D noise with derivatives
returns vec4( value, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv )
EP_Hermite3D noise with derivatives
returns vec3( value, xderiv, yderiv, zderiv )
Noise type picker function
Noise is all returned in signed form -1,1
returns type = 0:value,1:perlin,2:simplex,3:hermite
vector noise function range of -1.0->1.0
fractional Brownian motion
p position and approximate inter-pixel spacing
octaves max # of octaves to calculate
lacunarity frequency spacing between successive octaves
gain scaling factor between successive octaves
p position and approximate inter-pixel spacing
octaves max # of octaves to calculate
lacunarity frequency spacing between successive octaves
gain scaling factor between successive octaves
perlin noise
brownian fractal noise
EP_turbulence fractal noise
EP_vsnoise(p) - vector-valued perlin noise on a 3-d domain.
the stuff that ken musgrave calls "EP_vlnoise"
a variation of EP_fbm without hardcoded values and added functionality
a variation of vector EP_fbm, generally with better performance but different results than EP_smoothVfBm
a variation of EP_fbm without hardcoded values and added functionality
most incoming values are smoothed so this function is suitable for non-constant in-values.
a variation of vector EP_fbm without hardcoded values and added functionality
most incoming values are smoothed so this function is suitable for non-constant in-values.
Compute a procedural 2D Dot pattern
Compute a procedural 2D stripe pattern
Compute a procedural 2D super ellipse pattern
Compute a procedural 2D weave shape pattern
Simple Checkerboard
Position |
translate the position point in xyz
build a rotation matrix in the
desired axis to multiply the position point
scale the position point in xyz
tranform the position with translate,scale,rotation
vec2 UV, float scale, float ScaleRnd, float ScaleRndWeight,
float frequency, float layers, float noise_scale_A, bool forceTile,
float jitter_scale, float rot_min, float rot_max, int BlendMode,
vec4 TexSize, vec4 RndSize, float HSVSeed, float ValueOffset,
float LayerAttenuation, float A_minH, float A_maxH, float A_minS,
float A_maxS, float A_minV, float A_maxV, vec4 HSMix, vec4 ValMix,
float clampValues, uvec4 textureA, int textureA_AlphaMode, bool UseMapB,
uvec4 textureB, int textureB_AlphaMode, bool UseMapC, uvec4 textureC,
int textureC_AlphaMode, bool UseMapD, uvec4 textureD, int textureD_AlphaMode,
vec4 Map_Weight, vec4 Clumping, vec4 invert, vec4 Fade, vec4 Hardness, vec4 roundness
Texure Scattering with 4 Images
vec2 UV, float scale, float ScaleRnd, float ScaleRndWeight,
float frequency, float layers, float noise_scale_A, bool forceTile,
float jitter_scale, float rot_min, float rot_max, int BlendMode,
float MapASize, float HSVSeed, float ValueOffset, float LayerAttenuation,
float A_minH, float A_maxH, float A_minS, float A_maxS, float A_minV,
float A_maxV, float HSMixA, float ValMixA, float clampValues,
uvec4 textureA, int textureA_AlphaMode, float Clumping_MapA,
float invert_textureA, float FadeA, float HardnessA, float roundnessA
Texure Scattering with 1 Image
1D Random Function with Thresholding
EP_voronoi cellular pattern generator fromCellularNoise.glslc but a little simplified for better performance and with a threshold.
simple Noise based cells
A very expensive, EP_voronoi based noise for seeding.
Compute the UV rotation matrix
Compute the UV repeat and offset on the UV Coords
returns one offset coordinate per patch/udim
useful for example to set pivots per patch
x and y represent offsets from the default coordinate (lower left corner of each patch)
uvcoord should be state.uv
rotates the uvs per patch, feed in state.uv ( no fract() )
pivotu and pivotv can be used to set rotational pivot on a patch (corner, center)
performs all uv transformation based on a pivot defined per udim
random float generator [0,1]
signed value of input
cosine value of input
threshold function for the givin value
a anti-aliased version of step for procedurals
'threshold' is constant , 'value' is smoothly varying
Clamp value to 0...1 'float'
Utility Functions
threshold function for the givin float value with a feather value
threshold function for the givin vec4 with a feather value
EP_remap function for float
EP_remap function for color vec4 (color with alpha)
EP_remap function for color vec3
Anti-aliased step for procedurals where 'threshold' is constant and 'varyingVal' is smoothly varying
the EP_boxStep function is somewhere between step and smoothstep. it is the
result of the convolution of a box filter with a step edge.
smooth function using a combination of smoothstep and EP_boxStep
frequency smooth function using combination of smoothstep and EP_boxStep to smooth out noise frequencies.
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