Object Space Linear Gradient (centered)

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Object Space Linear Gradient (centered) by Jens Kafitz

The Object Space Linear Gradient (centered) will create a gradient along a defined axis.

It is an improved Version of Mari's Default Object Space Linear Gradient allowing for better and easier

setup of the gradient.


Node Properties

Gradient Size

The Gradient will be generated by default at the size of your objects bounding box


By default the gradient will be generated at the size of your objects bounding box.

The Start Parameter allows you to shift the Color A more towards the centre of the bounding box

By default the gradient will be generated at the size of your objects bounding box.

The Start Parameter allows you to shift the Color B more towards the centre of the bounding box

By default the gradient will be generated at the size of your objects bounding box.

The Crush Parameter allows you to shift simultaneously move the Start and End point of the Gradient

towards the centre of the object

The Curve Map allows you a change the profile of the gradient


Colors for the Gradient (A to B)

Flips the distribution of the color from B to A


The axis sliders allow you define a axis in which the gradient should be generated.

By default the gradient will be generated from world top to world bottom (y=1)

Offset along Axis

The Translate slider allows you to move the centre of the gradient along the Axis defined with the Axis Sliders

The Offset slider allows you to move the centre of the gradient along the Axis defined with the Axis Sliders.

The Offset slider is essentially the same as the Translate slider but with a different slider range, allowing for finer


Please note in any Mari Slider field you can expand the range of the slider by typing a value outside the slider range

into the numerical field.

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