Manifold UV

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Manifold UV by Jens Kafitz

Manifold UV is used to change scale, offset and rotation of 2D Coordinates (UV Coordinates).

All Extension Pack Procedurals have a 'Manifold' connection in the Nodegraph to attach this to.

Standard Mari Nodes if supported have a 'UV' connection that is compatible, although Nodes with

a 'Position' Input work as well.

When attaching a Manifold UV node to another node, the target node will be evaluated in UV Space instead of

its default Space. The behavior is the same as checking the 'UV Space' Checkbox in a Extension Pack Procedural

but the Manifold UV Node can be used to modify multiple Nodes at once.

'Manifold UV' by default uses your objects UV Coordinates.

Scale, Rotation and Offset of Coordinates are exposed as parameters in the Nodegraph, allowing you to

optionally drive them by another Node if needed

Intro Video


Node Connections

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the coordinate system used by the Node.

By default, if the 2D Coordinates Handle is unmapped the Node will use your Objects UV Data.

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the Nodes Sliders in the 'Transform Translate'

Group. You can attach any node to the Translation Handle and drive U and V by modifying the incoming RG(B)

Data (R = U, G = V, B = not used)

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the Nodes Sliders in the 'Transform Rotate'

Group. You can attach any node to the Rotation Handle and drive U and V by modifying the incoming RG(B)

Data. Rotation is a 360 Degree Field so you need to modify the 'Intensity' of incoming values to get correct

degree numbers.

When this connection is mapped in the Nodegraph it will overwrite the Nodes Sliders in the 'Transform Scale'

Group. You can attach any node to the Scale Handle and drive U and V by modifying the incoming RG(B)

Data (R = U, G = V, B = not used)

Node Properties

Transform Scale

A global multiplier on the 'Repeat U' and Repeat V' Sliders

Sets the Repeat along the U coordinate (horizontal) multiplied by the 'Repeat UV'

Sets the Repeat along the V coordinate (vertical) multiplied by the 'Repeat UV'

Transform Rotate

Will apply a rotation to the UVs around the centre of them (u = 0.5,v = 0.5)

Transform Translate

Will translate your UVs along U (horizontal) or V (vertical)


Will mirror your UVs along U (horizontal)

Will mirror your UVs along V (vertical)

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