- Where to find them:
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Grid /
- Main Window / Edit / Preferences / Nodegraph
Grid Snapping is only available in Mari 4.8 or higher |
- Shortcut Toggle Grid Snap: , (comma)
- Shortcut Toggle Grid: Ctrl + , (comma)
In Mari 4.8, Grid Snapping for the Nodegraph was introduced.
Unfortunately Foundry decided to make it only accessible (e.g. turn it on or off) via the Mari Preferences (Edit / Preferences / Nodegraph Tab),
making it a general UX Nightmare.
Extension Pack places the most commonly used options for Grid Snapping right in the Nodegraph Right Mouse click menu
and also adds Hotkey Bindings to it.
Grid snap options are now easily accessible in the Right Mouse Click Menu or via Hotkeys
- Toggle Grid Snap
Will toggle the Grid Snapping on or off.
Default shortcut , (comma) but can be modified in the Shortcut Editor.
- Toggle Grid
Will toggle the Grid Visibility
Default shortcut CTRL + , (comma) but can be modified in the Shortcut Editor.
- Increase/Decrease Grid Cell Height
Will change the height of the grid cells
No shortcut is assigned by default.
- Increase/Decrease Grid Cell Width
Will change the wdith of the grid cells
No shortcut is assigned by default.
- Increase/Decrease Grid Line Width
Will change the width of the grid lines.
No shortcut is assigned by default
- Increase/Decrease Grid Line Opacity
Will change the opacity of the Grid lines.
No shortcut is assigned by default