Height Blend by Jens Kafitz |
- Where to find it: (This Node is available in the Nodegraph only)
NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Add Nodes / Layer / Extension Pack /
The Height Blend Node allows you to blend together two Height/Displacement or Bump maps. It is capable of outputting either
the combined new Height or a Mix Mask that you can use to blend entire materials.
To Materials blended together using a Height Blend Node's Mask Output
- Height (BG)
The Height Map for the Bottom Layer
- Height (FG)
The Height Map for the Top Layer
- Mask (optional)
Exclude areas from being affected by the FG Height.
- Offset
Applies an Offset to the Top Layer Height Map. Overwrites the Height Offset Slider of the Node
- Contrast
Determines the contrast of the Blending Mask generated between Top and Bottom Layer. Overwrites the Contrast Slider of the Node
- OUTPUT Blended Height
A combined Height Map from the Bottom and Top Layer
A Mask how the Bottom and Top Layer have been combined that can be used for Material Blending
- Height Offset
Applies an Offset to the Top Layer Height Map
- Contrast
Determines the contrast of the Blending Mask generated between Top and Bottom Layer
- Mode
Determines the algorithm used to combine the two height maps
- Balanced Height
Will constantly re balance the two height maps to achieve a realistic result
- BG Priority
The BG Height will remain unchanged and the FG Height is 'moved' through it.
- FG Opacity
Applies a simple Opacity to the Mask used to blend the FG Height over the BG Height, meaning the mask will
get more weight added uniformly
- Mask Weight
You can use a Mask attached to the Mask (optional) Nodeport to exclude areas from
being affected by the FG Height.
The Mask Weight affects the attached Mask or acts against a value of 1.0 if no Mask is attached.
When the Mask Weight is 1.0 or lower it multiplies against the attached Mask or 1.0 if no Mask is attached
When the Mask Weight is larger than one it adds a value to the Mask making the Mask go overall more towards a constant
value of 1.0
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