Copy / Paste Node Attributes by Jens Kafitz

  • Where to find it:

    • NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Edit /
    • Main Window / Extension Pack / Nodegraph / Edit

  • Shortcut: (unassigned, use "Edit / Shortcuts" to assign)

This functionality is also available for the Layerstack as 'Copy/Paste Layer Attributes'

Example of copying Node Attributes from one Cloud Node to another

Copy & Paste Node Attributes allows you to store all Node Settings in a Clipboard and paste it onto a target node.

Any attribute that is compatible between nodes will be transferred

    • Settings that are named the same are transferred

e.g. an Attribute 'Frequency' from the source layer will be pasted onto the Attribute 'Frequency' on the target layer, if it exists

    • Images are transferred, with additional Logic accounting for differences in Attribute Names between different Procedurals

The Function is shown on the following Tutorial:


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