Managing Templates

The Manage Project Templates Dialog allows you to Delete & Rename Presets, change their Default Import Settings and 

set templates for automatic import on new project creation


1 - Template List

  • Local Templates

The Template List provides a list of all Templates in the Folder set to load preferences from.

  • Pipeline Templates 

Pipeline Templates are automatically added to the list as well and marked with the yellow Pipeline Icon.

Pipeline Templates are added by Environment Variable  so all members of a Team can have access to the same set of Templates.

  • Automatically Imported Templates

A template can be automatically imported when a new Project is created.

The template chosen for import is marked with the red Import Icon and can be toggled via the Toggle Import On Project Creation Button (toggle import on/off)

A template might have been set up as a default pipeline template for your entire team via an Environment Variable and marked to Import without the user having chosen

it explicitly.

If the user chooses to disable this (by selecting the template and clicking the Toggle Import On Project Creation Button) or choosing another Template to import by default,

the original Pipeline Template will be marked as the Recommended Import

2 - Template Search Field

  • Search Bar

The Search Bar allows you to search through Templates.

You can comma separate (,) multiple search terms.

3 - Configure Templates

A series of buttons below the Template list allows you to modify the currently selected template.

  • Delete

Will delete the currently selected Template. Deletion is not undoable.

Deleting a Pipeline Template marked with a yellow pipeline icon ..

.. is not possible unless your Template Save Location in the Mari Preferences points to the Location of the  Environment Variable used to add this Template.

  • Rename

Will rename the currently selected Templat and allows you to edit the description. Renaming is not undoable.

Renaming a Pipeline Template marked with a yellow pipeline icon ..

.. is not possible unless your Template Save Location in the Mari Preferences points to the Location of the  Environment Variable used to add this Template.

  • Default Import Settings

Allows the user the configure the Default Import Settings of the selected Template

The Default Import Settings are the settings

Changing Import settings is possible for any template, both local ones as well as Pipeline Templates marked with a yello pipeline icon ...

When a user changes the Import Settings of a Pipeline Template a local overwrite file is created that will be used instead of the default

settings specified on the Pipeline Template.

If you wish to change the default Import Settings on a Pipeline Template for all users use the Default Import Settings Dialog while your

Template Save Location in the Mari Preferences points to the Location of the  Environment Variable used to add this Template.

  • Toggle Import on Project Creation

A template can be automatically imported when a new Project is created.

The template chosen for import is marked with the red Import Icon and can be toggled via the Toggle Import On Project Creation Button (toggle import on/off)

A template might have been set up as a default pipeline template for your entire team via an Environment Variable and marked to Import without the user having chosen

it explicitly.

If the user chooses to disable this (by selecting the template and clicking the Toggle Import On Project Creation Button) or choosing another Template to import by default,

the original Pipeline Template will be marked as the Recommended Import

4 - Template Description

  • Description

The Description Field shows the Template Description.

Template Descriptions are entered during Saving a Template and can also be edited via the Rename Template Dialog.

Pipeline Templates are automatically marked with the following description:

5 - Template Location & Version Source

  • The Template Location & Version Source show you were the current Template is stored (Template Location), open the File Browser in that Location (View)

as well as show you which Mari & Mari Extension Pack Version this Template was saved with.

6 - User Hints

  • The User Hints section provides little bit of documentation information bits that changes each time the dialog is opened.

You can navigate  through all available hints using the arrow button

Automatic Import on new Project Creation

A template can be automatically imported when a new Project is created.

The template chosen for import is marked with the red Import Icon and can be toggled via the Toggle Import On Project Creation Button (toggle import on/off)

A template can be up as a default pipeline template for your entire team via an Environment Variable and marked to Import without the user having chosen

it explicitly.

If the user chooses to disable this (by selecting the template and clicking the Toggle Import On Project Creation Button) or choosing another Template to import by default,

the original Pipeline Template will be marked as the Recommended Import

Video Tutorial

PREVIOUS PAGE: Importing a Template

NEXT PAGE: Pipeline Templates