Smart Height Blend |
- Shotcut (Nodegraph Only): CTRL+ALT+H
- Hotbox: C (Height Blend)
To make it easier to set up a Height Blend system between Nodegraph nodes or materials, a new 'Smart Height Blend' Option has been added.
Smart Height Blend will ...
- with two nodes selected, auto connect the nodes to the FG/BG Ports of the Height Blend and connect the result to a Mask slot of
a already connected node (e.g. Merge, Mix etc.)
- with two materials selected, auto connect the materials 'Displacement' Ports to the FG/BG Ports of the Height Blend and connect the result to a Mask slot of a already connected node (e.g. Multi-Channel Merge, Mix etc.)
- If no node is selected or only one node is selected, the standard Mari behavior is maintained.
The Smart Height Blend Option is mapped to the default Nodegraph Shortcut CTRL+ALT+H and is also available from the Create Nodes Marking Menu